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9 Goals for a Fantastic 2021

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Happy New Year! 2020 is in the past, and for most people, this is a good thing. What a year it has been! I recently wrote about the positives 2020 brought into my life, but there were some struggles. Some of those struggles were in terms of the goals I had set for myself and could not meet. In speaking with friends and my readers, this was a source of frustration for various reasons. A few got sidetracked due to the pandemic. Circumstances in their life got in the way, and their goals were put on hold. The last year threw us all for a loop. 

For example, my goal to lose some weight was derailed by what I call the quarantine 15. In the beginning, I turned to one of my favorite stress relievers, baking! Another example, working from home full time, was a big adjustment for me. My time management went out the window, and I became too wrapped up in my work. I let things, like my running, slide. I also do not do well with a lot of free time. I work best with routine and a schedule. It took me a while to establish that. The less time I have, the more I accomplish. Does that make sense?

Stop Making Resolutions-Set Goals

2021 Goals

So, how can you and I make 2021 different? The first thing is to stop making resolutions! Instead of resolutions, set goals. Wait, you may be shaking your head and thinking, aren’t these the same thing? Actually, no, resolutions and goals are not the same things. According to the dictionary, a resolution is a firm decision to do or not to do something. It is a statement of what you want to change. A goal involves setting, planning, preparing, and taking action.

For example, a pretty common resolution is “I want to lose weight.” To change this from a resolution to a goal, you need an action plan. What do you need to do to reach that goal? How are you going to change your eating habits? What kind of exercise will you do? How many times a week will you exercise. Remember, a goal must be SMART – Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Relevant, and Time-Based. It also needs to be written down. I suggest a pen to paper rather than on your phone. Research shows our brain remembers better and more when something is written down on paper. 

A regular old notebook would do, but I bought this goal planner over on Amazon. I love it.

How to Accomplish your Goals.

Goals are personal to each person. However, to accomplish any goal, we need to be at our best. We need to feel our best. The environment we work and live in must be free from chaos and clutter. We need to eliminate any unnecessary stressors. How do we do that? It is my firm belief if we add these nine goals to our list, accomplishing everything else will become just that much easier. 

Set Goals, Reach & Repeat

Create a Morning Routine

How we start our day sets the tone of the day ahead, controls our schedules, and prioritizes our time. Now what you do is up to you. It could be mediatation, prayer, exercise, journaling, or reading. Mine is checking off some to-do lists for my blog and social media before my workday begins, all while drinking a nice cup of coffee. By accomplishing these small tasks, I feel less pressured to get these things done later in the day, and it gives me a chance to wake up slowly. I highly suggest The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. It helped me establish my routine.

Move Every Day

Exercise is key to helping us feel better. The endorphins released when exercising makes us feel happier and more confident. It keeps us younger. It does not have to be hardcore either. Go for a walk, do some yoga, find a video on YouTube to follow. Just get out and move. I become bored very quickly with strength training, so I need to mix it up. I subscribe to a streaming service that is all workouts. It cost less than my local gym, and I do them all from the coziness of my home. 

Drink More Water

Hydrate, hydrate, and hydrate! Water is the most critical thing that we can put in our bodies. It delivers oxygen to our bodies and flushes out toxins. It aids with weight loss. Our skin looks healthier when we hydrate. The list goes on and on. If my water intake is slacking, I feel sluggish, and accomplishing anything on my list is that much harder to do. Here are some tips on how to hydrate more.

Declutter your House

I don’t know about you, but I can’t concentrate if there are clutter and chaos all around. It is all I can think of, and it serves as a colossal distraction. Therefore, the need to declutter and keep my house as organized as best as possible is essential. As I sit here and write this, my dining room table is a mess with Christmas stuff. As soon as I am done with this post, I will spend my day organizing, as I will get nothing else done on my list. Of course, one of my goals for 2021 is to declutter each room, so this goal serves a couple of purposes.

Take control of your Finances

Worrying about money can be all-consuming. It can creep into all other aspects of your life and affect your mood and motivation. Knowing exactly where your money goes every month and having a plan to save for the future can go a long way. If any of your goals involve money, like saving for a trip, new furniture, a retirement goal, etc., you must know how much is coming into the household and how much is going out of the household.

Reconnect with Old Friends

This one makes your heart full. I had a visit from an old friend last week, and it did wonders for my mood. The rest of my day was so productive as I was feeling so good from her visit.

Take time for Self Care

Make sure you are doing something that rejuvenates you. I love to relax by reading or scrapbooking. all while listening to your favorite book on Audible sound? Like heaven to me. How does a bubble bath Whatever it is, please make time to do it each week.

Eat better

It is that simple. Eat more fruits, veggies, whole grains, and less sugar, and you will be amazed at how much better you will feel. You naturally will have more energy to get through the day.

Get More Sleep

I fought this one for a very long time. I still struggle with it from time to time. It is not because I can’t sleep; it is because I don’t want to sleep. I always looked at it as a waste of time. However, research has shown, and my body agrees we need sleep. Sleep keeps us laser-focused to accomplish our to-do lists and keep us on track to reach our goals. Set a regular bedtime and stick to it. Not only does the amount of sleep matter, the quality of sleep matters as well. According to one study, we need anywhere between 1.5 to 1.8 hours of deep sleep a night. This is roughly 20% of our overall sleep. I find if I take a sleep supplement, it helps me achieve that number. I started using NUUN Rest, and it has changed the quality of my sleep.

Wrapping up

If you have not figured it out by now, the nine goals listed above are about making us feel and perform at our best. Again, if we feel our best, we can set out and achieve any goal we want. It starts within ourselves.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Please leave me a comment below. Happy New Year!

Love of the Week

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I may be a little late to the party, but my Love of Week is essential oils. Though people have been using oils for a while, I had started using them until recently. I suffer from seasonal allergies. I have tried many things and have quite a routine in the morning. Earlier this year, my sister recommended I try essential oils. I ordered myself a diffuser, some oils marketed to help with allergies, and gave it a try. I am happy to report; I LOVED it!

I bought the diffuser on Amazon. I decided on the VicTsing Essential Oil Diffuser.  I wanted something quiet, with an extended mist output and a diffuser acting as a cool-mist humidifier.

Victsing Essential Oil Diffuser
  • It is a 500 ml diffuser that runs up to 14 hours on low mist mode and 7 hours on high mist mode.
  • It is quiet and turns off automatically when the water runs out.
  • It has a high/low button to choose the proper setting time.
  • The diffuser has soothing LED lights to act as a night light.
  • Made from BPA-free material.

As for oils, I went with a company called Revive.

I wanted something that was 100% all-natural. As you can imagine, some companies market their products as 100% all-natural, and they are not. All of REVIVE’s Oils are 100% pure therapeutic grade, free from any additives, adulterants, fillers, synthetics, or dilutions. REVIVE also has a 100% money-back guarantee. I love companies that stand by their products.

I started with the Peppermint, Lavender, and Lemon to concoct my own allergy-fighting blend. As I learned more about the oils, I discovered REVIVE makes the blends for you. I am currently using the Allergy Relief oil at night. It consists of Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Peppermint, and Lavender. It eases congestion and soothes allergies. On the days I work from home or hanging around the house, I diffuse Energy or Lemon. REVIVE Energy is a blend of Lavender, Sweet Orange, Osmanthus Extract, Amyris, Litsea, Ylang, Ylang, and Violet. Lemon is an antioxidant and has antibacterial properties to help detoxify and boost the immune system. Since I began using essential oils, I have seen significant improvement. I still take a daily allergy med and perform a sinus rinse, but I feel better overall since I started diffusing the oils.

I have a number of other blends. I have one for headache relief, one for sleeping, and one for digestion. All of them have worked pretty well, some more than others. I find with my headaches, I have to time it right or else it is too late.

What about you? Do you use essential oils? I would love to hear your thoughts.

5 Mental Health Benefits of Running

Women runner feet on road in workout wellness concept.

Wow, what a crazy last few weeks. Here in Massachusetts, we are on day 18 of being in our homes. School is closed until May 4th, and I am working at home through mid-April. Though, I suspect this will be extended. As much as I like being home, I love to travel. If you a regular visitor to my blog, you know I love adventure and being able to go out and about. Staying confined to our home, not being able to socialize and see family and friends is hard. In times like these, I am so grateful that I am a runner. I enjoy going out and moving my body. It has been a lifesaver over the last couple of weeks. It was also a lifesaver as I watched my mom slip away six years ago. Running or any form of exercise, for that matter, has a tremendous impact on our mental health. I thought this would be the perfect time to discuss the five mental health benefits of running.

1) Lowers Stress

Running decreases anxiety and rids of brains of negative thoughts. Running or exercise in general, creases the body’s concentration of norepinephrine, a chemical that moderates the brain’s response to stress.

2) Helps with the Depression

Exercise produces endorphins and is a natural anti-depressant. There is a saying “Wow, I regret that run/workout.- Said No One Ever. Is this a cure for depression? NO! However, it can help. Want an extra boost? Go out and run on a sunny day. The shot of vitamin D will also help with depression.

3) Improves Sleep

Running helps regulate our circadian rhythms. It increases the amount of time spent in deep sleep. Deep sleep, should make up 20% of our sleep a night. Deep sleep restores the body physically and also helps boost immunity. Also, running regularly manages stress levels, which can impede our ability to get to sleep and have a restful night’s sleep.

4) Increases Energy Levels

Have you ever noticed the more we sit around, the more sluggish we become? The opposite is true; the more we move, the more energy we have throughout the day. So if you can, start your day off with a run or whatever form of exercise that gets you moving.

5) Helps with Self-Esteem

Running has done wonders for my self-esteem. It has shown me what my body and mind are capable of, especially during the hard times. By setting goals, accomplishing said goals, and conquering obstacles in the way of these goals builds confidence. Confidence builds our self-esteem, and we feel great about ourselves.

During this challenging time, I urge you all to take some time and move. If running is not your thing, that is okay. Take a walk, do some yoga or stream an exercise video from your computer. Whatever you do, have fun and breathe. This too shall pass.

Be safe my friends.