Woes of an Injured Runner and 7 Benefits of Stretching.

If you have been following my blog, you know that I am a runner. Over Memorial Day weekend, I started a new training plan in preparation for my October half marathon. You can read about it here. Everything was going well. I was completing all my training runs, along with my strength training. Everything was going well until three weeks ago. On Friday, July 12th, I woke up and could not sit down without a pain shooting down my leg. I took four Motrin and went about my day. The next morning I woke up to the same pain. Again, I took four Motrin, visited my Dad, and even went for a run. The next day I planned to complete a 2-hour training run. However, the pain was so bad, even with Motrin, I knew there was no way I could run. All-day, I could not get comfortable whether I was sitting or standing. I was a hot mess! Well, the next day, things were not feeling any better. I was having numbness in my toes. Immediately I called my doctor and was seen that morning. The doctor diagnosed it as sciatic nerve pain. He gave me a prescription for prednisone, a muscle relaxer, and a told me to go to physical therapy. I asked if I could still run and he said sure, just no weight lifting.

courtest of Runner’s Community

In the next two days, I ran and felt okay. Though I was still taking Motrin in the morning and I was not able to sit for the first 20 minutes of the day. I met with my physical therapist, and she noticed some loss of strength in my left foot and toes. She agreed that it was my sciatic nerve causing the pain, but she was not sure if it was coming from my back or my piriformis muscle squeezing the nerve. The loss of strength was bothering her. She did some work on the muscle but wanted me to call my doctor and request an MRI. She gave me some stretches to go while on the road, told me to try yoga and NO RUNNING. NO RUNNING???? What????

Over the last two and a half weeks, I went on vacation. I did the stretches as prescribed, walked on the beach, and did some yoga. I came home and immediately saw a chiropractor and my physical therapist. My chiropractor is a miracle worker. After one treatment, I woke up pain-free. My PT has been great as well. She has given me a stretching routine to follow before and after my runs. Confession time… in all my years of being a runner, I never would stretch. This is not something your PT wants to hear. It is part of the reason I am in the predicament that I am in now. I need to be much better about self-care. Self-care includes stretching, foam rolling, massages, and adjustments by my chiropractor.

This leads me to the questions, why is stretching so important, and what are the benefits of stretching? Stretching increases our range of motion and our flexibility. Sitting all day is one of the worst things for the body. This causes the muscles in our hips, glutes, and hamstrings to shorten and become tight. It literally can become a pain in the ass! Stretching is one way to combat this. It increases mobility in the joints and muscles. For runners, this keeps us INJURY FREE! Here are seven benefits of running.

  • Increases range of motion and decrease muscle stiffness.
  • Loosens the muscles and primes the body for exercise.
  • Reduces muscular tensions and helps the muscles relax.
  • Improves our posture. Tight muscles are weak muscles, so muscles need to be loose, which allows for better posture.
  • Tight hamstrings can cause lower back pain, so stretching may help decrease lower back pain.
  • It improves flexibility. Flexibility is so important. It helps with performing daily activities and can help delay immobility as we age.
  • Increases circulation and increases blood flow to the muscles. It helps with muscle soreness and speeds up recovery time.

Long story short, I have learned my lesson. The last 2.5 weeks have been tough. Running is my stress reliever. It keeps me sane. I want to keep running for years to come. If this means I need to take 10 mins a day to stretch, then so be it.

I am happy to report that I ran this morning for the first time in two and a half weeks. It felt amazing. My coach told me to take it slow and to run for only 30 minutes. It was the best 30 minutes of the day.

Comeback run!

I would love to know, do you stretch and if not, will you now?

About The Author



  1. Jane | 9th Aug 19

    Sorry to hear about your injury but I’m glad that you’re now on the mend. And stretching does help. Great tips!

    • Heather | 11th Aug 19

      Thank you, Jane. I have had to learn patience, and still am, as I am on the road to recovery.

  2. Lora | 12th Aug 19

    Stretching is important for everyone. I am a fitness walker and it’s essential that I stretch my legs after each workout. Stretching is vital even if you don’t work out. I regret not being in the habit of doing it when I was younger because then maybe I would have more flexibility now.

    • Heather | 18th Aug 19

      I 100% agree. I wish I had started a lot sooner!

  3. Melissa Parcel | 12th Aug 19

    I am a not-so-good runner, but I try. I have had a horrible bone spur that jabs into my Achilles tendon for many years. After a lot of PT, it still gives me grief without a lot of stretching. I can have surgery but there’s not really a guarantee that it will really help unfortunately.

    • Heather | 18th Aug 19

      Yes, I will avoid surgery at all costs. I will stretch as long as I need to avoid surgery.

  4. jen | 12th Aug 19

    I am not a runner… but i applaud anyone who is! Bummer about the injury but yup, there are lessons in that.. Here’s to a quick mending!

  5. Beth | 12th Aug 19

    As someone who has worked for a chiropractor, I’m so glad you found a good one. So many people are scared of them & think they work some voodoo magic or something silly. They help us with issues with muscles, joints and tendons. Sometimes stretching and massage are all that’s needed to get on the path to wellness. Great story!!!

    • Heather | 18th Aug 19

      Thank you. I am so happy I found my chiropractor. She has helped me immensely.

  6. Malia | 12th Aug 19

    Good on you for taking their advice! I HATE stretching, but I know how important it is. I hope you’re able to get back on track quickly!

    • Heather | 18th Aug 19

      Thank you. I am working on it.

  7. Suzan | It's My Sustainable Life | 12th Aug 19

    Yay!! Love to hear you have incorporated yoga into your routine of running and are on the mend!

    • Heather | 18th Aug 19

      I am getting there. I had a little bit of a setback this past week, but working through it.

  8. Angela | 12th Aug 19

    Yeah, glad you are back out there!

  9. Margaret | 12th Aug 19

    I believe that stretching is helpful and beneficial before any physical activity. For me, even now when dealing with some health issues, I find that stretching in the morning has an overall benefit.

    • Heather | 18th Aug 19

      Excellent. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Tiffany | 12th Aug 19

    I know stretching is so important and so avoid doing it as much as possible. I don’t know why because I LOVE how I feel after a good stretch routine!

    • Heather | 18th Aug 19

      I know. It makes us feel amazing, but we skip it. Silly, right?

  11. Kendra | 13th Aug 19

    Great job working through it and finding what your body needed!

  12. Jennifer Morrison | 13th Aug 19

    I tore a tendon in my leg and have been going to physical therapy for 10 weeks. I never realized how much stretching could help until now. And I find myself randomly stretching here and there.

    • Heather | 18th Aug 19

      It is amazing what it can do for our bodies.

  13. Katherine Wolfe | 13th Aug 19

    When I was training for the LA Marathon (and I am NOT a runner….I just trained for that so I could check it off my list,) I would have to stretch WHILE I was running….like stop and stretch in the most random places. I also dreamt of pancakes while I ran! 😉

    • Heather | 18th Aug 19

      I dream of a lot of things when I run. LOL. I stop and stretch when running as well.

  14. Chantelle Jeffers | 13th Aug 19

    I can’t imagine what it must’ve felt like being told you can’t pursue your passion well done for getting back out there.

    • Heather | 18th Aug 19

      Thank you. I want to keep doing it for a very long time.

  15. Sian | 13th Aug 19

    Yoga and running are such mindfull exercises, great combo. I used to run but haven’t for a while, now there’s a new, beautiful route near me I’m going to start when it’s cooler.

    • Heather | 18th Aug 19

      Get back at it! So much fun,

  16. Lisa Manderino | 13th Aug 19

    This summer has been a struggle with keeping my body well enough to run. I got strep which messed up my running schedule then I lifted weights and tore tendons in my knee which has taken 7 weeks to heal but this last week I started running again and did my long run Saturday at 5.5 miles. I want to do a half before the end of race season but I’m not 100% yet! struggle!

    • Heather | 18th Aug 19

      Oh no, sorry to hear this Lisa. Take it slow and make sure to stretch!!

  17. Haley Kelley | 13th Aug 19

    Great post! Thanks so much for sharing!

  18. Stacey Billingsley | 13th Aug 19

    Thanks for your story. I’m trying to stretch more in my life, exercising or not. I feel better when I do!

  19. Nicole Cruze | 13th Aug 19

    I hate running, but love how it feels after!

  20. Christina Furnival Real Life Mama | 14th Aug 19

    Great takeaways! Stretching is so good for so many reasons!

  21. Tiffany | 14th Aug 19

    I’m not a runner (lol!), but yoga and stretching are absolutely essential for me as well. We hike, snowboard and have two busy boys to keep up with…I notice a huge difference when I skip!

    • Heather | 18th Aug 19

      Yes, stretching is meant for everyone, not just us crazy runners. 🙂

  22. Cindy | 14th Aug 19

    I’ve learned the value of stretching too! I’m not a runner but I lived with chronic sciatica for 22 years. It’s caused all kinds of lingering problems in my legs. Switching to a plant based diet ended the chronic pain at last. And stretching and yoga is what’s helping to ease tight muscles.

    • Heather | 18th Aug 19

      Interesting about the plant-based diet. I wonder if it is due to the less inflammation with the plant-based diet?

  23. Michele | 14th Aug 19

    I am also not a runner…but I find that stretching helps with many of my aches and pains so I’m not surprised that it is helping you! Glad to hear you are back on your feet (so to speak) and that there is still a half-marathon in your near future!

    • Heather | 18th Aug 19

      Thank you! One of many coming up, so I need to be healthy.

  24. Karla Petersen | 14th Aug 19

    I don’t run any more (knees), but when I did, I ALWAYS stretched. Someone must have instilled that in me early on.

    • Heather | 18th Aug 19

      I was always told, I just never listened. 😉

  25. Magan | 14th Aug 19

    Oh, I am the WORST about stretching! And I’ve been kind of feeling it lately. Great timing!

    • Heather | 18th Aug 19

      Get going!!!! LOL. Make sure to add it to your routine.

  26. Laura Lee | 15th Aug 19

    I was a runner many years ago and I’m just starting to become one again. It’s something that I learned to love and something that I have to learn to love again as I’m training for an ultra. LOL

    • Heather | 18th Aug 19

      Good for you!!!! I would love to follow along. I hope you will blog about it.

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