5 Tips for Staying Healthy While Traveling.

Do you travel a lot? We travel quite a bit, more so over the last few years. When I started to travel a bit more frequently, I noticed I would come home and begin to feel like crap. I mean, who has time for that? I have a job and other responsibilities. Over the years, I have tried different things, but these are the tips that have worked for me.

  1. About a week before I travel, I start adding Nuun Immunity and Hydration tablets to my water. I use one a day.
  2. Stay hydrated throughout your trip. I carry a water bottle with me everywhere. I either pre-order water to be delivered to the room or make sure to hit up a convenient store and stock up.
  3. Try to eat as healthy as I can. This is not to say I don’t splurge, but I try to keep at least two of my meals healthy and treat myself once day, rather than all day long.
  4. Keep up with my exercise routine. For us, runners, traveling to a new place to run is a highlight of the trip. I may not get to it every day, but I aim to exercise several times while on vacation. It makes me feel better and lets me justify some of the treats I may be experiencing.
  5. Get some sleep! This is the one I have the most challenging time with, but it is so important. If we keep up with our sleep, we will feel so much better upon returning to real life.

I hope this tips help. I am sure there many others out there and I would love to hear yours. Drop me a line in the comments and share what works best for you.

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  1. kmf | 15th Apr 19

    Great tips! My ears tend to plug up on flights (even when I’m healthy) so my dr recommended I take a generic Sudafed right before my flight. It really helps! I also bring travel-size disinfectant wipes to wipe down the airplane tray.

  2. Pam | 27th Aug 20

    Great tips! I have noticed that when I eat well, sleep well and get some exercise while on vacation I feel much better, enjoy the trip more and don’t feel exhausted when I return. I definitely need to remember the water though!

  3. Donna Garrison | 27th Aug 20

    I am a big fan of building up my family’s immune system before we travel, especially by plane. I make my own elderberry syrup and take it daily in the weeks leading up to travel.

  4. Chantelle | 27th Aug 20

    Staying hydrated is such a good tip! I’ve had many vacations where I’ve ended up with horrible headaches because I forget to drink enough water.

  5. Shirley | 27th Aug 20

    Great tips! Number 5 is always a challenge for me since I don’t sleep well even at home.

  6. Missy | 27th Aug 20

    Stay hydrated is so important. I am always drinking water.

  7. Lisa Manderino | 27th Aug 20

    This tips are great! I want to stay healthy!

  8. Lori Nielsen | 27th Aug 20

    Traveling is not as much fun if you are not healthy! These are great tips, even though I’m not always good at following them. I need to drink more water!

  9. Adrian Pottinger | 27th Aug 20

    Great tips!

  10. Tricia Snow | 27th Aug 20

    As we have aged we have noticed that we get sick more than we did in previous years. These are great tips … thanks!

  11. melissa | 28th Aug 20

    Yes!! Hydration is key!! I do like exercising, as well, especially since we indulge a little more on trips. We also use a lot of hand sanitizer when we travel!

  12. Carey | 28th Aug 20

    Great tips! We add a little more vitamin C before we travel and I drink more green tea.

  13. Stacy | 29th Aug 20

    The eating healthy is a hard one for me.

  14. Sara | 29th Aug 20

    Great tips! We always make sure to have water with us at all times. It’s especially helpful when traveling to areas with higher elevation.

  15. Barbara | 29th Aug 20

    Great tips! I appreciate your advice!

  16. Cindy Moore | 30th Aug 20

    These tips are perfect! I also take Voke superfood tablets, beginning immediately after I arrive at my destination. They help prevent jet lag.

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