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Category: Everyday Life

Love of the Week -Ahhhh Sleep!

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I have a confession to make. I use to hate sleep. I thought it was a colossal waste of time. There was always so much to do, and sleep was not one of them. I blame law school. While in law school fulltime, I worked three jobs. In addition to that, I needed to keep my B average. One can not do this while sleeping! I averaged 4 hours a night. It became a habit. Then I turned 40.

40 happens to be when I started running. What began as me wanting to lose a few pounds became much, much more. I fell in love with running and wanted to make sure I was always feeling my best. To accomplish this, I learned sleep was so important. I made an effort to get at least 6 hours but aimed for 7 hours of sleep a night. It was working well. Fast forward to last summer. I was now 47 and started to experience changes in my sleep. I had some trouble falling asleep. The quality of sleep was not great. I was not able to fall into that deep sleep that is important.

During one of my runs, I was listening to a podcast. The hosts, both women, were talking about sleep and what has helped them. One of the products was Nuun Rest.

Nuun Rest is part of the Nuun family of productsNuun is a hydrating beverage without all the extra additives and sugars. It’s product offerings originally were for sports hydration, but have expanded to everyday hydration. Nuun Rest is a blend of magnesium, potassium, and tart-cherry. Tart cherry has shown to reduce muscle soreness and improve sleep quality. It increases the level of melatonin and helps improve the quality of sleep and duration. Magnesium has shown to relax the body and to aid with sleep. Since I started drinking Nuun Rest, my time in deep sleep has increased. I feel more rested in the morning. According to one study, we need between anywhere between 1.5 to 1.8 hours of deep sleep a night. This is roughly 20% of our overall sleep. Like the other Nuun products, Nuun Rest is vegan, kosher, non-GMO, and gluten-free. It comes in Blackberry Vanilla and Lemon Chamomille. I love the Blackberry Vanilla. One tablet of Nuun Rest has ten calories and 1 gram of sugar. Mix it with 8 ounces of water and you are good to go.

I have been taking Nuun Rest every night for the last six months. I am hitting my deep sleep target about 99% of the time. It has been a game-changer for me. For those of you wondering, I am still not a fan of sleep, but we have agreed to co-exist. 🙂

New Year, New Goals

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Happy 2020! Wow, doesn’t it seem strange to be saying that? I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday season and ready for another spin around the sun. Ringing in a new year has me reflecting on 2019, the highs and lows. It also has me excited for 2020. As I review my 2019 goals, I am happy to report that I was able to mark many of them as accomplished, but there is always room for improvement. This is how I look at a new year, a time to level up, keep improving one’s self by doing and accomplishing the things that make me happy.

As I wrote about here, I do not make resolutions for the new year, but select goals for the year. I also create an action plan for each goal and write out how I will execute it on a monthly basis. Each week, I pick certain activities to do to bring me one step closer to accomplishing that goal. I write all this down in a notebook that I carry with me. It keeps me on track and laser-focused on what it is I need to do. 

Another tool I use to assist me in accomplishing my goals is accountability. By sharing my goals, putting it out there in the universe, I am holding myself accountable. This year, I have decided to do this two ways. First, each month I will be posting my goals for the month, and at the end of the month, I will report back, right here on my blog. Second, I have opened up a private Facebook page called Goal Climbers 2020. This is a group of goal-oriented people who are looking for accountability and support as they crush their 2020 goals. I will provide resources and tips on how we can make 2020 our year to shine. If interested, leave me a comment or reach out to me on Facebook. I will add you to the group.

Now, for my 2020 goals. I break my goals down into four categories, Personal, Financial, Professional, and Household. Within those categories are sub-categories. Under the sub-categories are the goals I want to achieve and how I will go about making them happen. Below are some examples, so you get a visual of what I am doing. I will not list them all here, but if you would like to see my full list, I will be sharing it in the Facebook group.


  • Health
    • Make a dermatology appt.
    • Get 7 hours of sleep a night.
    • Run/Walk 2020 miles.
    • PR at a 1/2 marathon.
    • Sign up for my second marathon.
  • Personal Growth
    • Listen to one personal development podcast a day.
  • Family
    • Date night once a month.
    • Try something new each quarter.
    • Make the most of Robbie being home before leaving for college.
  • Travel and Recreation
    • Explore my own backyard.
    • Weekend away with Bill.
    • The Canadian Rockies.
    • Mom/Son Disney trip.
    • Read 50 books.
    • Scrapbook once a week.


  • Pay off lingering debt.
  • Pay cash for the 1st year of college. ( HUGE ONE!!!)
  • Less frivolous spending.
  • Save, save save. Earmark money each week to be automatically deposited in savings account.


Here I break down each room and list what if anything needs to be improved. For instance, we need new family furniture. Our upstairs bathroom needs reorganization, things like that.


Most of this will have to do with this blog. These goals include growing my social media presence, landing sponsorships, and connecting with other bloggers around the globe. Of course, I have goals for my day job, but in the interest of keeping those separate, I will keep those to myself.

My goals are listed in my notebook. I breakdown the goals by quarter, month, and week. This way, I am always working on something, but not becoming overwhelmed by it all. For January, I have decided to concentrate on the following:

  • Make an appointment with a dermatologist.
  • Start new strength training program.
  • Pick a marathon to run.
  • Purchase family room furniture.
  • Save an extra $900.00.
  • Schedule out scrapbook dates with friends.
  • Organize bathroom.
  • Write 6 new posts.
  • Learn more about SEO.

As you can see, some of these will be quick and simple, and others will be more involved. Each week I will schedule activities that will assist me in the more complex goals (like writing posts, SEO, and strength training). Does this make sense? It may seem like a bit of work, but once you are in the habit of writing these down and planning your month and week, it all starts to flow nicely.

Now, what about you? Are you ready to set goals and crush the year? Let’s do this together.

So You Want to be a Runner- 8 Tips for Beginners.

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The new year is upon us, and many people take this time to start something new. Notice how I don’t use the word resolution. I’m not too fond of the word, and much prefer to use the term goal. See my prior post for my reasons why. In any case, perhaps you want to take up running in the new year. Running is an excellent form of exercise, both physically and mentally. There is nothing better than a run to clear your head. I love “running” through my problems. I love the people I have met through the sport. I have even learned to love the burn. You get the point; I love to run. 

People often ask how I got I started. Or say things like I don’t know how you do it? I could never run. Well, I am here to tell you, you can! Here are eight tips on how to start running.

Invest in the Right Shoes

Not all running shoes are created equal, and what works for me may not work for you. It is best to be fitted by someone knowledgeable in this area. Head over to your local running store and ask to be fitted for shoes. The salesperson should have you walk around the store so he/she can examine your gait. Based on what they see, they will have you try on a few different types of shoes. Once you have a pair or two that are comfortable, the salesperson should have you try them out by running, either outside or on a treadmill in the store. Make sure the store has a 30-day return policy if, for some reason, the shoes do not work out.

Set Small Attainable Goals

On day one, I went out and ran 3 miles in the hot July sun. I would not recommend that! Aim for small goals. If you aim too high, you put too much pressure on yourself, and it takes the joy out of the process. Perhaps start running for time and not distance. For example, start by running three times a week for 20 mins. Once you are comfortable with that, add 5 mins and build from there.

Schedule your Runs

Take out your planner, your calendar on your phone or whatever it is you use to schedule your appointments and schedule in those runs just like you would a doctor’s appointment or a meeting with your boss. You would not cancel on them, so why cancel on yourself. I plan my runs out a month at a time. It helps!

Gradually Increase Your Mileage (or Time)

The rule of thumb is to increase your mileage by no more than 10% each week. I prefer every two weeks. Ramping up the mileage too quickly can lead to injury.

Keep a Running Journal

A running journal is more than just a place to track your mileage. It tells a story. As I track my runs, I note the weather, the mood I was in, how hydrated I was, how much sleep I had the night before, and what I had to eat that day. These are all contributing factors to any run, good or bad. I started to see patterns. I found if I was not hydrated, my runs were a bit sluggish. It is also neat to look back and see how far I have come when training for a race.

Add Strength Training

I learned this the hard way. I hated to exercise most of my life. It wasn’t until I turned 40 that I decided running was for me. I went all out. Once I find something I like, I do it. This lead to shin splints and tightness in my hips and glutes. Once I began strength training, my problems started to dissipate. Oh, and make sure to add stretching to the routine as well. You can read all about the benefits of stretching here. 

Join a Running Group

Runners are the NICEST people. When I started running, I joined a running group at my local running store. It was fantastic. It gave me one night a week that was all about me and my new venture. Most groups ( I say most because there is always an exception) welcome new runners with open arms. It also helps you up your game. We tend to want to try more when we are with others. I have done some of my best runs while running with a group.

Follow a Training Plan

There many apps or free training plans available to help you get you started. Couch to 5K is a great app. Jeff Galloway, former Olympian runner, and runDisney consultant has some fantastic training plans. Jeff has perfected the run/walk method, and his plans are fantastic for beginners. Another great resource is Another Mother Runner. I am starting their heart rate training plan this upcoming weekend. I talk about it here.

Follow these tips, and you will be off and running, literally! Starting to run was one of the best things I ever did. It changed my life, and it could change yours. 

Love of the Week

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It is the middle of December. Winter is about a week away, and snowy days are upon us. Well, at least for those of us that live in the north! One of my favorite things to do after a long day at work is to snuggle up with a good book and a nice cup of tea. For those of you in the south, this may be a lovely iced tea.

Now, it can’t be just any tea. Over the years, I have developed a taste for loose leaf tea. Loose-leaf teas are more flavorful and overall better quality. Loose leaf tea tends to be larger than the tea in a teabag. The tea in a tea bag is broken down or crushed. Therefore, the essential oils in the tea, which give the tea flavor, is destroyed. The loose leaf tea is allowed to circulate in the boiling water, swells, therefore, giving off a robust flavor.

When my favorite tea shop closed, I had to seek out an alternative. Thankfully, it did not take me long. Last Christmas, my sister introduced me to David’s Tea. David’s Tea started back in 2008 in Toronto, Canada. Today, there are over 230 stores over Canada, and the U.S. David’s Tea has over 100 flavors. This includes traditional teas, exotic infusions from around the world, exclusive blends, pure and flavored matcha, unique blends, and limited edition seasonal collections. David’s also boasts the most extensive selection of organic teas and infusions in North America.

My current collection.

You can buy as little as 2 ounces or as much as 40 ounces of a flavor of tea. The teas come in a container, as shown above, or in a resealable pouch. The smaller tins are magnetic. They stack nicely on top of one another and stay put. As you can see, I have a variety of flavors. Now that the seasons are changing, I will be ordering some seasonable flavors. There is a maple chai I have my eye on. Speaking of flavors, David’s Tea has some fantastic teas for the holidays. I highly recommend their Candy Cane.

Candy Cane Crush

It has white chocolate chips, candy snowflakes, and pieces of crushed candy cane. It makes for a delicious after-dinner treat without the guilt.

In addition to teas, Davids sells accessories to go with the tea. There are mugs, travel mugs, rock candy sugars, steepers, ice tea pitchers, infusers, and more. It has everything for your tea needs.

Tell me, are you a tea drinker? What is your favorite flavor? Share below as I am always looking for a new tea to try.

They Are Not Ours to Keep

Last week our oldest son, Robbie, turned 18 years old. It hit me hard. 18?!? How did this happen? How did we get here so fast? There were many tears shed as I scrolled through his baby scrapbook and photos I have on Snapfish and Shutterfly. As the saying goes, the days are long, but the years are short.

Motherhood is HARD, both physically and mentally. Nothing wears you down more than a toddler on the run 24/7 or a teenager who argues every single point. There is a reason I love to get up early even on the weekends, for 30 mins or so of quiet while I drink my coffee. I love those boys, but boy, sometimes silence is golden! As a Mom, I have questioned most decisions I have made for these kids. That in and of itself is exhausting!

Growing up, my parents always told me not to wish my life away. As Robbie (and Nicholas) were growing up, I would say the same thing. Though, I think I said it more for myself than them. Subconsciously I thought the more I said it, the more time would slow down. Boy, was I kidding myself.

Growing up these days is much different than when I grew up. Kids are always on the go, and my boys were no exception. Robbie played t-ball, soccer, baseball and then found hockey. Just last night, I was thinking of how many days we spent on the ice each year. For six years, from August to April, hockey was our life. There were early, early mornings and late, late nights on the ice. There were times I was in no mood. I would work all day and have to be at an ice rink, 30 mins away, for a 9:00 pm practice. Though I never wished the days away, because I knew how damn fast they would be over.

When Robbie entered high school, four years seems like an eternity. Yet, those four years have gone by faster than any others. Not only did he turn 18 this week, but he also finished up his college applications. He works a part-time job, he is growing a beard (despite his mother’s protests), he drives himself to and from places, and this weekend he is in NOLA to see a football game with my sister. I don’t see him as much as I would like because when he is home, he is hiding out in his room. However, I suppose this is preparing me for what the future holds. This time next year, I will be anxiously waiting for him to come home for winter break. I can only imagine the emotions I will be feeling then.

From the moment he was placed in my arms, he was mine. He was my baby boy. I would love him, protect him, and show him the world. What I didn’t realize until very recently was that he was not mine to keep. Though I would always love him, he was meant to spread his wings and fly. I recently read a blog post over at It said, “You know the minute you become a mother that someday, you will have to let that baby go. You know that they are not yours to keep, not forever. If you do your job right, you make yourself obsolete. That’s the goal. That is the point”. I don’t necessarily agree with the obsolete part, but I do understand her point. As parents, we give our kids what they need to go out into the world. We hope what we have taught them is enough. I hope they have the tools to make the best decisions for themselves and their future, for they are not ours to keep.

Goals vs. Resolutions

Here we are, December 2019. Wasn’t it just 2017? It is crazy how fast these years are going by. I remember, as a kid, my parents telling me not to wish my life away. Now all I do is wish life would slow down a bit.

With the new year upon us, I am sure many of you have thought about New Year’s resolutions. However, may I suggest that instead of resolutions, you consider setting goals. Wait, you may be shaking your head and thinking, aren’t these the same thing? Actually, no, they are not. According to the dictionary, a resolution is a firm decision to do or not to do something. It is a statement of what you want to change. A goal involves setting, planning, preparing, and taking action. For example, a pretty common resolution is “I want to lose weight.” To change this from a resolution to a goal, you need an action plan. What do you need to do to reach that goal? How are you going to change your eating habits? What kind of exercise will you do? How many times a week will you exercise. Remember, a goal must be SMART – Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Relevant, and Time-Based. It is why I choose to make goals instead of resolutions. It simply works better for me.

Each year, around the 30th or 31st of December, I break out a new notebook and write down my goals. No goal is too big or too small. I break them down into four categories – Personal -Financial-Household-Recreation. Within those categories, I have subcategories. For instance, under Personal, I have health and fitness, this blog, relationships, and self-care. Recreation is broken down into trips I want to take, places I want to see, scrapbooking, and reading. Household is broken down room by room with what I want to change or fix in that room. Each goal is assigned a due date. I have found this helps me stay on track with my goals.

Furthermore, each month, I write down three big things I want to accomplish for that month and the steps I will take to get there. Every Sunday, I sit down with my planner and write my to-do list for the week. The items on this list will help bring me closer to my goals. At the end of the month, I go back to my notebook and see and track my progress.

I hope by sharing how I set my goals, it helps you in your goal setting. As the new year approaches, I will be sharing more on my goals and my goal-setting process. In the meantime, I would love for you to share your goals and participate in this exercise with me.

May the last 30 days of the decade be amazing!

Ultimate Gift Guide for Runners

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Do you have a runner in your life? Are you struggling with what to buy them this holiday season? As a runner, I always have at least one running-related item on my Christmas list. I surveyed quite a few of my running friends and came up with the ultimate gift guide for runners. Whether your runner is a beginner or has been running for years, there is something for everyone on this list.

AfterShokz Headphones

If your runner is like me, I need something to distract me when running. I love listening to a podcast or an audiobook. However, safety comes first. AfterShokz is a wireless bone conduction headphone that sits outside your ear. I can hear my podcast and everything that is going on around me. The sound quality is excellent, and they fit comfortably around my head.

A Good Running Watch

Most runners love gadgets, especially gadgets that will track their mileage, pace, etc. I have had a few running watches over the years and partial to Garmin. Their product is superb, and I have never had an issue with any of their watches. There are several models to choose from, each a little bit different. I currently am using the Garmin Forerunner 235 and love it.


For short runs, I am okay with carrying my phone in my pocket or even in my hand. However, if I am going to run for over an hour, I will need fuel, perhaps my keys (if racing), chapstick, phone, etc. The FlipBelt is a great place to store it all. The belt sits snuggly around your waist and has pockets that hold quite a bit of stuff. It even has a clip inside to hold your keys.


There is nothing more annoying than having my hair fly into my face as I am running. A good headband is a must. I have very thick hair and have found the brand Sweaty Bands work best. These are non-slip headbands that come in various colors and designs. I won’t buy anything else.

Hydration Vest

For those long runs, no one should be without water. Runners need to stay hydrated. Hand-held water bottles are fine, but after a while, my hand starts to cramp, or I run out of water too soon into my run. I solved that problem this summer by investing in a hydration vest. It holds 2 liters of water, has pockets for other fuel like Nuun or chews, and a place for your phone. It is lightweight and surprisingly comfortable.


Just like our skin, we need to protect our eyes from the sun. Goodrs are all the rage at the moment. These are no-slip, no-bounce polarized sunglasses that come in different colors and prints. If I did not wear prescription glasses, I would have quite a few of these beauties in my closet.

Reflective Clothing/Gadgets

Many of us, at one time or another, have had to run in the dark. Reflective clothing is an absolute must. My favorite is the Tracer 360 Visibility Vest. It is lightweight, water-resistant, and can be seen up to a 1/4 mile away.

Gift Basket or Stocking Full of Goodies

I become giddy when I see that Santa filled my stocking with some of my favorite running things. Some great ideas are socks, Body Glide, lip balm. Nuun, GU, and gloves.

Recovery Tools

Recovery and self-care are essential when running. A foam roller will help work out any kinks, help relieve the muscles, and keep you running longer. I call it the necessary evil.

Stretching is also vital for runnings. A runner should be stretching before and after their workout. If someone is suffering from a particular ailment, such as piriformis syndrome, stretching even on the days that you do not run, is just as important. I found a great book that goes over many different types of stretches and takes the guesswork out of what we should be doing.

Nothing feels better than a comfy pair of shoes after a long run. This is especially true having just a runDisney race and then spending all day in the park. On my last trip, I discovered OOfos. The foam technology used in these shoes absorbs 37% more impact than traditional footwear foam materials to reduce the stress on your feet and joints.

Road ID Bracelet

Another favorite safety product of mine is the Road ID bracelet. It is a stretchy silicone bracelet that slides over your hand. It includes your personal information, your emergency contact information, and any medical issues you may have. I make sure to wear mine each time I go out for a run.

Run or as the case may be Shop Happy!

Eight Ways to Stay Healthy Through the Holidays

Hustle & Bustle of the holiday season

Thanksgiving is in one week, Hanukkah is in 4 and a half weeks, and Christmas is in 5 short weeks. The holiday season is upon us, and while it can be a happy, joyous time, it can also be a stressful time of year. Stress can wreak havoc on our bodies, break down our immune systems, making us more susceptible to illness. Follow these eight simple tips to stay on track and have a happy AND healthy holiday season.

  • Stick to your morning routine. The days leading up to the holidays are hectic. In addition to our already busy lives, there is shopping, baking, wrapping, holiday parties, and get-togethers, school events, work functions, and more. Before we know it, it is bedtime, and we don’t know where the day went. Our morning routines play an important part in our day. It sets the tone of the day ahead, allows us to control our schedules and prioritize our time. By keeping our morning routines, we start our day with a positive mindset, and the day seems less daunting.
  • DO NOT skip breakfast. Our cars can’t run on empty, and neither can our bodies. Start the day with a hearty, healthy breakfast to stay full longer. I find if I fuel my body correctly, I am more apt to skip the holiday goodies I see throughout the office. Or if I am out shopping, I will not fill up on fast food.
  • Do some form of exercise a day. For me, this is usually the first one that falls off my radar during the holiday season. I claim to have no time. Well, guess what, everyone has time for a 10 min walk, 10 mins of strength training, yoga, whatever it is you may like to do. Not only is it good for you, but it gives you more energy to plow through the day. I have committed to 30 mins a day of some form of exercise. Some days are easier than others, but damn does it feel good when I am done.
  • Choose your treats well. The average American gains weight between Halloween and New Years. This is not a free for all people! I am not telling you to give up your treats, but choose wisely. Pick the ones that you only have during the holidays. I can have chocolate chip cookies any time of year; however, I have a particular cookie I only make at Christmas time. This will be my treat of choice.
  • Pace Yourself. I love a good holiday cocktail or two, but I hate feeling so crappy the next day. To avoid being hungover, make sure to pace yourself throughout the evening. Have a club soda in between drinks. Do not drink on an empty stomach. You will be thankful you did.
  • Boost your immune system. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, get enough sleep, and oh, did I mention exercise? It will help keep you going through the craziness of the season.
  • Hydrate. Our bodies crave water. It keeps everything flowing throughout the body. It will keep you full in between meals and, as noted above, help avoid that hangover.
  • Take time to recharge. Don’t forget to take care of you. Whether it be a mani/pedi or 30 minutes locked away in a room with a good book, take the time. Not only do we need to be physically healthy but healthy mentally as well.

The Last 90 Days

Have you heard of Rachel Hollis? Rachel is the best selling author of Girl Wash Your Face and Girl Stop Apologizing. Rachel and her husband have a podcast called Rise and started a challenge called #last90days. The premise is that it takes 21 days to make a habit, but 90 days to change your life. Rachel and Dave chose the last 90 days of the year for this challenge for several reasons. First, it is the most stressful time of year, and we tend to turn to bad habits. Second, the holidays are upon us, and often we have to deal with extended family, and if that family is what Rachel and Dave label “toxic,” it can bring out the worst version of ourselves. Finally, due to the hustle and bustle of the holidays, we tend to neglect our health by skipping out on exercise and making poor food choices. I am guilty of all of the above, so I decided to join their challenge.

What does the challenge entail? First, Rachel and Dave want you to complete what they call the Five to Thrive. These are five things we commit to doing each day.

  • Get up an hour earlier each day.
  • Write down 3 things I am grateful for each day.
  • Drink half my body weight in ounces of water a day.
  • Move at least 30 mins per day.
  • Give up one type of food.

By committing to these five things, we are being intentional about taking care of ourselves and working on our goals for the next 90 days. These five goals bleed over to other goals we are working on, and we end up starting the new year with a bang.

Here is how the Five to Thrive is working for me.

I wake up an hour earlier each morning and write my to-do list for the day. I break it down into three categories – Must-Dos – Should Dos and Would Like To-Dos. I tackle the Must-Dos first and work on those until it is time for me to get ready for the office. Depending on the day, I either get my exercise done in the morning, at lunch, or after work. Some days it is strength training, some days running and other days it is simply walking at lunch to get my 10,000 steps in for the day. It does not have to be a hardcore workout. Any movement for 30 mins counts! I drink my water throughout the day. This one is quite easy for me, as I love water, and it is the only thing I drink besides coffee and tea.

I tend to write what I am grateful for during the workday. These must be very specific and can’t be as general as “I am grateful for my family” or “I am grateful for my job.” For instance, yesterday, I wrote down that I was grateful that I have a boss that understands work/life balance. The last of the Five to Thrive is the hardest for me. I gave up chocolate candy. I LOVE chocolate, and with the holidays coming, I tend to buy it and dip my hand in the bag way too many times. Hopefully, this will keep me from purchasing peanut butter cups or candy cane Hershey kisses!

I can already see it working in my life. By committing to the Five to Thrive, it has given me the energy and the determination to tackle the other goals I have set for myself for the last 90 days of the year. Growing this blog is a massive goal of mine. I have committed to a certain number of posts a month, restarting my newsletters, hiring a Pinterest manager, committed to at least an hour a week of learning, and more. I have mapped out a new training plan for my 2020 races, recommitted to clean eating, and committed to losing ten pounds by the new year. My environment is another area I need to focus on. My house needs purging and organization. I feel so much better when the clutter is gone.

Looking back at 2019, are you happy with all that you have done? Are there goals on your list that you have not quite accomplished? Don’t wait until 2020. By this point in the year, many people decide to wait until the new year to work on their goals. Don’t be one of these people. Drop me a comment and let me know how you plan to finish 2019. Let’s stay motivated together.

235 Days

On September 5, 2019,  the school year started much like the prior years.  The boys got up, I made them a special breakfast (one of the few times I do make breakfast), and I had them hold up signs telling the world what grade they were attending this year. However, this year was different.  This year, I have a senior in high school.  It would be the first of many lasts throughout the year. This would be the last “first day of school” photo he would take. It would be the last first day of school photo he takes with his brother. In 235 days, he will cross the football field and receive his diploma.  In a year, he may be a few hours away from home enjoying college life.  How did this happen?

On December 2, 2001, I held my sweet boy for the first time and thought of this day.  I remember thinking, wow, he will graduate in 2020, thirty years from the day I graduated high school. I quickly pushed the thought aside. I mean come on, 2020 is so far away.  It will be an eternity before it gets here.  Not so much. Here we are 235 days until graduation.

Robbie, a couple of weeks old on Christmas Eve.

I was lucky, both my boys were great sleepers. I never had those neverending nights that I wished would end.  I did not wish away the infant stage.  I mourned each stage as it ended. Yes, even the stage when my kid was a total jerk!  He had his moments.  Never mind the terrible twos, we had the f***ing fours! Even then, I never wished the days away.  Now here we are, 235 days until graduation.

Robbie is our first, and the only one for almost four years.  On October 19, 2005, he became a big brother to Nicholas.  I want to say it was love at first sight, but this picture says otherwise. 

Such fun!

Robbie enjoyed being the big brother. He had someone to share his childhood with and someone to boss around.  There was a time where the boys did nothing but fight.  It was terrible.  However, now, I can say they are each other’s best friend.  They share the same love and passion for sports. Nicholas looks up to his big brother, and Robbie thinks Nicholas is the smartest person he knows.  The boys spend a lot of their free time together.  Nicholas misses Robbie when he is away. It will be an adjustment for both of them. They have never been apart for more than a week at a time. My heart aches for them.  Sigh…235 days until graduation.

Over the years, we have taken the boys on lots of vacations. I intended to show them as much of the world as I could before they left for school. There have been multiple trips to Cape Cod, New York, North Carolina, Washington, DC, Walt Disney World, Aruba, Disney cruises, Canada, Alaska, Europe, and more. When I look to the future, I see trips that include only three of us, not four of us like that past 14 years.  We have less than a year to squeeze in as many family vacations as we can before other priorities take hold of our boy. He has only 235 days until graduation.

I look at my son, and I can’t help to think of my Mom.  She adored this boy and thought he could do no wrong.  They had an extremely close relationship.  When she passed away five years ago, he was devastated. She was his biggest champion.  She was to help guide him through these teen years. There was a time I was so afraid he would not get past her death.  Well, he did, and I believe it is because she has been with him the whole time.  In 235 days, she will be right by his side as he receives his diploma. In 235 days, I will whisper, “He did it, Mom.”

We are now in our second full month of school.  We have a few more college visits planned.  Robbie has retaken the SAT and started the application process.  I thought I was doing okay.  Then last Saturday night I received an e-mail with his senior photos.  Once again, I was reminded 235 days until graduation.