Love of the Week-Audible and my 2020 Reading Challenge

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Audible App

I love to read. I always have and, at times, can’t get enough of it. After hours of reading for class, I would curl up with a good book to relax, even in law school. Once I had kids, my reading slowed down a bit. I could no longer read at the beach or in my back yard when the boys were running all over the place. I was so tired at night; I would fall asleep 3-4 pages into the book. I also found my attention span was not there. I would be reading, and my mind would drift to all the other things I should be doing. Or I would easily become distracted by something, anything. I could go months without reading a book. Then I discovered Audible.

Per their website, “Audible is an online audiobook and podcast platform owned by Inc. The service allows users to purchase and stream audiobooks and other forms of spoken word content; this content can be purchased individually or under a subscription model where the user receives “credits” that can be spent on content monthly, and receive access to a curated on-demand library of content. Audible is the United States’ largest audiobook producer and retailer.”

Audible has been a game-changer for me. A friend introduced me to the streaming service about three years ago. I started to listen to audiobooks on my commute to and from the office. It was a great way to decompress before arriving home for the night. It was a game-changer when training for my 1st marathon back in 2017. A 20-mile training run in December was a bit more manageable when listening to a James Patterson novel. It allowed me to reacquaint myself with many of my favorite authors. I love using this app so much I listen when cooking, cleaning my house, at the grocery store, and more. Since 2017, I have read 104 books on Audible.

My library.

How does it work?

Audible has two memberships. There is their monthly membership, Audible Plus. It includes access to unlimited streaming and listening from the Audible Plus Catalog. The second membership is Audible Premium Plus. This includes everything in Audible Plus, with the bonus of 1 credit per month to be used to redeem any title from our Premium selections. Also included in this membership is a 30% discount for any additional content you purchase from the Premium catalog. I have the Premium Plus membership and pay $14.95 a month. In addition, Audible offers additional credits, three at a time, for $35.88. That is $11.96 per credit. New releases are often much more expensive than $11.96. I have taken advantage of this many times over the years.

Is this the only way I enjoy my books? No! I still read books, whether it be on my Nook or a physical book. I make sure I switch between the two during the week. It is essential for brain health to read the written word. Audible has enabled me to embark on my second reading challenge. In 2019 I challenged myself to read/listen to 25 books. I read 32. This year I have set a goal of 50 books. I have read 38. With 12.5 half weeks left in the year, I have plenty of time to reach my goal. A few of my favorite authors have or will be releasing books this month. Half of them I pre-ordered on Audible and half on them on my Nook.

  • Return to Virgin River by Robyn Carr
  • Didn’t See That Coming by Rachel Hollis
  • A Time for Mercy by John Grisham
  • The Law of Innocence by Michael Connelly

It is going to be a fun few months reading all my favorites.

Whar are you currently reading?

About The Author



  1. Alexis Farmer | 5th Oct 20

    Wow, you’ve been busy since 2017! Haha. I love audiobooks, I feel like I get through them faster. My brother-in-law loves Audible, always sings me their praises.

    • Heather | 5th Oct 20

      LOL! It is how I am able to multitask and get it all done.

  2. Kendra | 5th Oct 20

    I love my Audible membership. I’m listening to Brene Brown’s Rising Strong on Audible right now as I’m reading your post! Audio books keep me sane on my hour long commute to the office.

    • Heather | 5th Oct 20

      Yes, perfect use of time 🙂

  3. Lisa Manderino | 5th Oct 20

    We started listening to books on audible a few months ago. It was nice on the many road trips we took!

    • Heather | 5th Oct 20

      Road trips are perfect for this. I make sure to pack my earbuds just in case the rest of the family does not want to listen to my books. Which is usually 90% of the time.

  4. Cathy | 5th Oct 20

    I use to be a better reader, I would love to get back to it! Lately, I have started feeling sleepy after just reading a few pages. Maybe Audible would be a good choice for me? Thanks for the great information!

    • Heather | 5th Oct 20

      It definitely would help with this. I can listen fine when tired, but to actually have to read a page, forget it.

  5. kmf | 5th Oct 20

    Wow! Congrats on your reading challenge so far. And Amazon’s Audible option is something I’ve considered. But, like you, I do appreciate reading the written word.

    • Heather | 5th Oct 20

      Thank you! What I love about it is I can “read” anywhere. If I had to stick with the written word all the time, I would get nothing else done. LOL!

  6. Michele | 6th Oct 20

    This is a great idea that I should really look into. I love to read as well but have trouble making the time for it. As much as I stay on the road, this would be a great option.

  7. Karie | 12th Oct 20

    I love audible to drive in to work with. I feel like the drive is so much faster and I am multi tasking and getting books off my to read list, 🙂

    • Heather | 13th Oct 20

      Exactly! I love it when I can check off multiple things at once.

  8. Charlene | 12th Oct 20

    Hmm… I may have to check into this so I can listen to a as book while walking instead of sitting in the car to read during my daughter’s rehearsals.

    • Heather | 13th Oct 20

      Definitely! Make use of that time!

  9. Candy | 12th Oct 20

    Audible is such a great service. Your post is a great resource to get even more out of our membership. Thank you.

    • Heather | 13th Oct 20

      Thanks so much. I am glad you found it helpful.

  10. Stacey | 12th Oct 20

    I can relate to falling asleep trying to read after a long day! Thanks for the info on audio books!

    • Heather | 13th Oct 20

      You are welcome! Thanks for stopping by.

  11. Cindy Mailhot | 13th Oct 20

    This is a great idea especially for travel. I still love the feel of a good book in my hand and they can be found a lot cheaper in large quantities but for travel digital is a packing essential.

    • Heather | 13th Oct 20

      You would be surprised. I find audible cheaper than physical books. Plus, lots of free content as well.

  12. Bonnie | 13th Oct 20

    I’ve only recently discovered audio books and listen to them while I’m in the car. I can get through a lot more books this way vs. paper copy. Never thought to listen to them while making dinner though – might have to try that one 🙂

    • Heather | 13th Oct 20

      It makes cooking less painful. LOL.

  13. Darby | 13th Oct 20

    50 books?!? I am the worst when it comes to reading so I think audible sounds like a perfect solution that I could listen to/from work!

    • Heather | 13th Oct 20

      I love to read. 🙂 Lawyer by profession, so reading comes very naturally to me 🙂

  14. KK | 13th Oct 20

    I love Audible! That reminds me…I have several credits I need to use. I’d better start looking for some great new books to download!

    • Heather | 13th Oct 20

      Credits never last long in my account. I could always use more.

  15. Denise | 13th Oct 20

    I haven’t tried audio books, I did try Kindle to read and enjoy that. I’m taking baby steps but I’m not sure if I’ll move to audio books because I do love holding the books in my hands too. Yet there is always a possibility, and that’s awesome on your reading challenge goal met! Nice, I’m not that driven yet but I do love reading, blogs now lol Thanks for sharing 😂👍🏼 Should I change my mind I’ll keep your blog in mind.

    • Heather | 13th Oct 20

      Give a try. It is a game-changer.

  16. elaina | 13th Oct 20

    I’ve been wanting to try Audible but haven’t pulled the trigger yet. It’s hard because I also like a physical book to hold.

    • Heather | 13th Oct 20

      I moved to a NOOK years ago because I simply do not have the room for books in my house. Best decision, though I will pick up a physical book every do often because I do miss the feel of them.

  17. Kelly | 13th Oct 20

    WOW 50 books! I used to enjoy reading books many years ago but we all know how busy life can get at times. Others have told me that they really do enjoy the audiobooks but I still haven’t tried it as of yet. Even when in school I didn’t I preferred to read the book itself but I may give it another try and see.

    • Heather | 16th Oct 20

      It is the only way I will get to 50 books. I love my Audible subscription.

  18. Tricia Snow | 13th Oct 20

    I had no idea what Audible included. Thanks for the information. It was not what I expected.

    • Heather | 16th Oct 20

      There is quite a bit to the membership.

  19. Jessica | 14th Oct 20

    Thanks for all these helpful details! I wanted to look into audio books as I’ve never tried them but am such a big reader.

    • Heather | 16th Oct 20

      I hope you give it a try. Let me know.

  20. Barbara | 14th Oct 20

    I love audible and listening to stories while walking my 2 miles each day! It is my selfish time! I cherish it!

    • Heather | 16th Oct 20

      It is your me-time. Nothing selfish about it.

  21. Angela | 18th Oct 20

    A few people have recommended Audible and this was a good overview so I think I need to join the Audible party!

  22. Beth Shields | 3rd Nov 20

    Great ideas. I used to do this when I traveled for a job – drove around the state so had hours to listen. A great way to relax and enjoy. Doing it in a party takes it to a whole different level. Thanks.

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