Aging is a Privilege, so Embrace It.

Yesterday I turned 47 years old. 47?!?! My goodness, where has the time gone? It seems like yesterday I was graduating from high school, headed off to start my college years. Now I have a 17-year-old son preparing to do the same. I remember turning 30 and panicking that I was getting old. I was stressed about it. I walked into Origins and spent an obscene amount of money on anti aging products. I thought if I am this panicked over 30, what the hell will I be like at 40? I am happy to report, I survived, and, the older I get, the more I embrace it. I mean, let’s face it, it is better than the alternative.

Since turning 40, my life has become my own. I no longer do things just to please people. I do what I feel is best for my family and me. I don’t let other people’s opinions of me bother me. As Rachel Hollis says, other people’s opinions of you are none of your business. The last 7 seven years has had its highs and lows, each of which has caused to me grow into the woman I am today.

The most significant of these, the death of my Mom 5 years ago. Mom passed much too soon, at the age of 61. Though I would do anything to have her back, there has been some good that has come from her death. My sisters, Dad and I are closer than ever. It drove home the point that life is much too short and we must live it. Don’t let life pass you by, but seize opportunities and run with them.

Speaking of opportunities, I have done just that. I have taken chances professionally and personally, all having paid off. I can’t say I would have done any of these in my younger years. I cared too much of how it would be perceived or that I would fail. Well, as I said above, I no longer let what other people think affect me, and failure, well that is all part of growth.

In the last seven years, I have fallen in love with fitness. I became a marathoner! This is something I NEVER dreamed I would or ever want to do. I have a healthier relationship with my body. I have expanded my social circle, coming out of my shell, and connecting with others with similar interests and goals in life. I guess you can say; I found my tribe. I have raised babies into beautiful, kind teenagers. My husband, I reached 20 years of marriage. Twenty years is a long time! We have traveled to various places around the world as a family and continue to add to this travel list as the years go on.

What is most exciting to me on my birthday, the future ahead. There is still so much to do in this life, and I plan to make the most of it.

About The Author



  1. Meagan | 30th May 19

    Happy birthday! I’m creeping up on 30 and it freaks me out more than I ever thought it would. I never thought I would even care but it’s like it’s the definite line in the sand that means your no longer “young” lol But I feel like once you reach past it, you no longer really care about all that. I’m just banking on that being my situation too.

    • Heather | 30th May 19

      30 is still young πŸ™‚ However, I was that way at 30. It scared me. The growth that happens in your 30’s and 40’s is amazing. You will love it.

  2. Cynthia Mackintosh | 30th May 19

    Love this post because I can relate so much! I am 46 and I couldn’t care less what others opinions of me are. LOL I may be 46, but I have the heart & soul of a 25-year-old and I feel great!

    • Heather | 30th May 19

      Yay! It is so freeing to finally not care, isn’t it?

  3. Pauline | 30th May 19

    Happy birthday!!! I thought when I turned 30 that it would bother me but it didn’t. Approaching 40 isn’t bothering either. I think it’s because I’ve achieved so much in those years.

    • Heather | 30th May 19

      Yes, that is a great way to look at it.

  4. Jen | 30th May 19

    Happy birthday! I’ll be 37 this year…stopped keeping track after 30.

  5. Suzan | 30th May 19

    Age is relative…at least that’s what I keep telling myself πŸ™‚

    • Heather | 30th May 19

      Yes, yes it is!!! We can chant it together.

  6. Denise | 30th May 19

    My husband panicked at 35! “I am going to be 40!” I love getting older. I get to reinvent myself every few years!

    • Heather | 30th May 19

      My husband will be 50 this year and is struggling. He is not a fan of the aging process.

  7. angela | 30th May 19

    I am right there with you but my kids are younger. I feel that first sense of aging just now and maybe I need that spending spree on anti-aging items – haha!

    • Heather | 30th May 19

      LOL! I am always on the lookout for new products.

  8. Kendra | 30th May 19

    I just turned 48, and can totally relate to finally being able to just live and find myself in ways I never had the courage to do before! YAY FOR FORTIES-POWER!

    • Heather | 30th May 19

      The 40’s have been amazing.

  9. Joanne | 30th May 19

    I am over 50 and you are correct, aging is a privilege! I would never even dream of wanting to go back to my younger years, I have gained way too much knowledge to want that!

    • Heather | 30th May 19

      Exactly! Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Kymberly Irwin | 30th May 19

    Happy Birthday Fellow Gemini. I turned 54 on the 27th. I’m actually doing more at my age now than I did in my 20’s. More adventures, less drinking, and so much more patience! Okay, the drinking part isn’t true … but the other two are!!!! I refuse to allow my age to stop me from following my new dreams. Great post!!!

    • Heather | 30th May 19

      This made me laugh!! I have a few more cocktails at this age as well. Happy Birthday to you. I hope you had a great day!

  11. Anna | 30th May 19

    Beautiful inspiring post! Good for you for becoming a marathoner. And happy birthday to you!

    • Heather | 30th May 19

      Thank you so much. Next to my sons, being a marathoner is probably one of my biggest accomplishments.

  12. Dawnmarie @ EnjoyingtheDays | 30th May 19

    Yes! I tell people that every day that I have lived has been a gift, so why would I not be grateful for them? Embrace life, and live it for joy, not worrying about something like a number. You have good points in this article!

  13. Charlene | 30th May 19

    Happy birthday! I turned 30 this year. I think I’ve officially hit ‘grown-up’ status. So…that’s cool πŸ™‚

    • Heather | 30th May 19

      Sometimes I am still in awe that I am a grown up. LOL

  14. Angela Greven | Mean Green Chef | 30th May 19

    Happy Birthday!! πŸ₯‚ Yes, I love my 40’s and would not trade them for my younger for anything, I am who I am and if someone doesn’t like my sarcastic outgoing personality then they can move along! Aging is a privilege for sure and I love your post, great writing as always! πŸ™‚

    • Heather | 30th May 19

      Thank you so much. I am still dreaming of that chocolate cake recipe. LOL!

  15. susan | 30th May 19

    yes girl to ALL OF THIS!!! During my time as a medic, I saw entire families killed in car wrecks and then having seen my mom completely paralyzed and her life dramatically changed from a triathelte to a quadriplegic with no warning, and having lost 4 of my babies to miscarriage, It is ever present for me that death has nothing to do with age. I am SO CRAZY THANKFUL TO BE ALIVE AND don’t mind people knowing my age because it shows that I am happy to get older and that it is a good thing..why should we only celebrate when we are young implying to younger generations that is when its ok? It is ALWAYS OK AND GOOD AND RIGHT to celebrate birthdays! I am 46 and proud of it and feel younger than I have in a long time! Happy Birthday by the way! πŸ™‚

  16. Malia | 30th May 19

    Love this! It is so true. As we get older, we definitely come into our own and live more authentically! Just this past weekend I was chewing on the quote “youth is wasted on the young”. Keep living it up!

  17. Brittant | 30th May 19

    Happy Birthday! I love me some Rachel Hollis! Age is seriously just a number, my grandma always says you are only as old as you feel =)

  18. Liz | 30th May 19

    Yes! I needed this, I’m going to be 30 soon and I’m a bit stuck on the number, but I know it’ll all be fine.

  19. Maureen Cardenas | 30th May 19

    Excellent insight into aging – and really, what IS the alternative? Very well-written!!

  20. Kyndall Bennett | 30th May 19

    One of my fiance’s friends passed away from an automobile accident less than a month ago, and I was shocked to discover that he was only a year and two months older than I am. I kept telling Stevenn that I wanted to travel “one day” but that truly was an eye-opener to realize that life could end before I even reach 30. I want to do my best to live a life that’s more than just paying bills every month.

  21. Michelle | 30th May 19

    I can relate to your 30 crisis! πŸ™‚ I just turned 30 and had a mini pity party for a minute, but then I remembered I feel pretty much the same I did a decade ago! I have had a marathon on my bucket list for so long, but with babies I struggle with the time commitment – it is encouraging to see there will be time!!

  22. Christina Furnival | 30th May 19

    Heather, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your mom. I love that with her death you decided to live the life you have to the fullest. That’s what we all should do, isn’t it?! Sounds like you’re rocking it with your family, marathons, work, etc. Inspiring to all of us!

  23. Chris | 30th May 19

    Great post! I never understood the phrase “Youth is wasted on the young” but now that I’ve crossed the same 40+ barrier and I round the bend to middle age, I completely get it. πŸ™‚

  24. Karla | 30th May 19

    This is wonderful. I haven’t ever paid attention to any decade changes until this year when I turned 60. And it didn’t concern me, just kind of surprised me. I appreciate all that you said. Thank you.

  25. Margaret | 31st May 19

    A beautiful post. I lost my son a few years ago, and know all too well the importance of honoring life. I am learning to find ways to appreciate and enjoy my life now and as importantly enjoy and appreciate the people around me!

  26. Robin | 31st May 19

    I turn 40 in January and I am trying my best to embrace it. Thank you so much for sharing!

  27. Jennifer Morrison | 31st May 19

    Very truthful post! I turned 50 this year, and I love that I can be who I want to be, and live life the way that works out best for me and my family! I love the wisdom I have gained and sharing it with my family.

  28. jen | 31st May 19

    Love this! Aging is a gift but unfortunately I feel like it is riddled with a lot of stigma for females. Thank you for the nice reminder. πŸ™‚

  29. Tonya | the Writer Mom | 31st May 19

    “Aging is a privilege.” That’s a great perspective…it’s so true. Getting older can be scary, but it’s definitely a privilege that not everyone has been given!

  30. Michele | 31st May 19

    Happy Belated Birthday! I love your perspective on getting older…it does take some time and life experience to look at it from that vantage point! And while I wouldn’t mind having my younger bones back, I wouldn’t trade where I am now for all that angst of my younger years!

  31. Jackie | 31st May 19

    I love this, it is something I can definitely identify with. I like the title…there are many people who never get to enjoy the privilege of aging

  32. Kim | 1st Jun 19

    I’m turning 40 this year and as I get closer, I realize it is kind of freeing. I now understand what it means to not care what people think. I love the feeling but I just hope 50 takes it’s time getting here πŸ™‚

  33. TIffany | 1st Jun 19

    Own each day! I am wrapping up 43 and it does go by in a blink!

  34. Annette | 1st Jun 19

    Love your post!! I turned 50 a few months ago, and was soooo not looking forward to that. However, I have embraced my age, and am setting new goals to achieve. Time certainly flies by!!!

  35. Lina | 2nd Jun 19

    Love this! I have also learned to not care about what others think of me or pleasing others. Embrace it, girl!

  36. Cindy | 2nd Jun 19

    Happy birthday! I so agree with you. Once you embrace getting older, perspectives change. It’s not about just accepting the inevitable. It’s about living life full on, with health and an open heart. I’ve come into who I really am, at this stage of my life, and I’m loving all that is.

  37. Carolina | 2nd Jun 19

    I embrace life. Yes, sometimes getting older is kind of scary but it is also filled with new wonderful adventures! I’m 38,soon to be 39 and I’m staring to let my ton of gray hair grow just to see how I really look, so I’m embracing my new hair too!! πŸ˜‚

  38. Michele | 4th Jun 19

    I LOVE this and feel the same way! I turned 41 about the same time and enjoyed every second of it!

    • Heather | 10th Jun 19

      Yay!! Life is meant to be lived and lived well, not worrying about a number.

  39. T.M. Brown | 6th Jun 19

    I always say that I’ve done and gone through too much to be ashamed of my age. I’ve earned it, so to speak. LOL.

    • Heather | 10th Jun 19

      Excellent way to look at it!

  40. Denise | 6th Jun 19

    First, Happy late birthday! I’m about to turn 40 and I find myself looking back going “where did the time go?” Especially with my 12-year-old telling me how old I am. I’m still looking forward to turning 40, sort of.

    • Heather | 10th Jun 19

      You will love it! The 40’s have been the best.

  41. Justin | 30th Jul 19

    Well put! Happy birthday (even if its a few months later, ha!). Time is a precious thing and all too fleeting. You give some great advice. Slow down and take it all in (and take some chances!)

    • Heather | 30th Jul 19

      Thank you so much. Time is much too precious. We need to make the most of it. Thanks for stopping by!

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