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Still Getting it Done!

Another month has concluded. We are also on week 8 of a stay at home order. Crazy! How are you holding up? I hope you are all safe and healthy.

As I mentioned back in April, March was a bit of a cluster. As the world began to shut down, I lost my motivation. I knew I had to kick it up a notch in April, but also was going to give myself grace when I needed it. Like many of you, we have had a lot of travel plans canceled, the workload in my day job became overwhelming, and I had to oversee social distance learning. Life was a bit chaotic, but I was determined to make something work and that I did!

Review of April’s Goals


  • 30 mins, three times a week on SEO.- NOPE – still did not happen
  • Write and post 4 new blog posts.- YES
  • Grow social media platforms by 5%.- Yes on a 2 of the 4. Not bad!
  • Finish blog course work.- One down, 2 to go.


  • Find work-life balance- It can be hard to shut it down when working from home. I am setting my hours, and rarely will I make exceptions. I need to treat it as if I am going to the office every day.- YES! Though I was busier than usual, I did a much better job of this.


  • Move my body 30 minutes every day. When I am in the office, I reach my 10,000 step count most days, without counting my exercise. Since working from home five days a week, that has not been the case. The result is tight hip flexors, a sore back, and feeling like a slug. Again, I need to treat my day as if I am in the office.- YES! I hit my step goal 22/30 days. I also moved my body 30 mins each day.
  • Get up, shower, and put something on besides running clothes or yoga pants.- I would say I did this 75% of the time.
  • Though I maintained my weight, my goal was to lose weight. I am going to give myself grace and aim for 5lbs, rather than 10lbs.- I lost 2.5 lbs, so half.
  • My goal race, the one I was training so hard for was canceled. Yes, I had a pity party, but again, this morning, I said no more. I picked a fall race, and that will be my new goal race. My new training plan for that will start late May, but in the meantime, I have a short term training plan I am following for all my runs leading up to then. Plus, I still have summer races that have not been canceled yet.- YES! I ran 76 miles in the month of April
  • Save all money not being spent on gas and entertainment and put toward our next vacation.- Half of what we are not spending went toward future vacations. The other half went toward some online shopping. LOL!


  • Finish organizing the cabinets in the kitchen.- YES
  • Clean the fridge.- Nope
  • Start cleaning and purging my scrapbook room, so we can renovate by the end of the year.- Nope

Miscellaneous- all were accomplished!

🌟 More doggie 🐶 walks.
🌟Try new recipes.
🌟Read more books.
🌟Cherish the additional time I have with my boys being home.

Did I attack the month with gusto? Hummm..gusto is a bit strong of a word. I certainly had my days where Netflix came before everything else. I also took more time to do things that relax me. There were lots of walks. I read a couple of books and was able to scrapbook more of 2019. All wins in my mind.

Now, what will the month of May look like? Assuming we will remain under a stay at home order, I plan on more of the same, with a few additions.


I will build on what I did or did no do in April. Moving forward, I think four blog posts a month will be the norm. I will chip away at my courses and will try to do ONE session of SEO a month. I am not letting go of this goal; I am trying to make it attainable.


  • I will build off my 2.5lb weight loss and aim for 2-5lbs this month.
  • Continue to move my body 30 mins a day.
  • All my summer races were canceled, but I plan to run them virtually.
  • Research vacation options for summer to replace our canceled Canadian Rockies trip.


  • Purge Nicholas’s room.
  • Begin the basement (scrapbook room) project.
  • Clean out my garden boxes and start my veggie garden.

I am trying to be realistic with my list. I tend to take on a bit much and then get frustrated when I don’t accomplish them all. I have to remind myself that these need to be SMART goals- specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.

Tell me, did you reach your goals for April? If not, what did you do to readjust? What is your plan for May? Please, let me know below.

Stay safe.
