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Self-Care? What is That and How Can You Incorporate It into Your Life.

Self-care seems to the be the buzz word these days. There are numerous articles written about it, podcasts that speak of it and whole books dedicated to the topic. I have to admit, at first I ignored it. I thought, who has time for that? I am a working mom, with a husband, two kids, a dog, two cats and a household to run. I will have time for that when they grow up, move out, etc. I am sure many of you have had the same thought. Well I am here to tell you, LISTEN UP, by incorporating self-care into your life, you suddenly have more energy to do the things listed above and you are a HAPPIER, yes I said HAPPIER, wife, mom, employer, etc.

First, what is self-care? According to the the dictionary it is “the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health or the “practice of taking an active role in protecting one’s own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress. ” This means different things for different people. My idea for self-care could be very different than your idea of self-care. What makes me happy, improves my health or helps me deal with stress looks different than my husband’s. I make it a priority to incorporate self-care each and every day. Some days it is 10 mins, other days it is longer. Some days it is reading a great book for 10 mins, other days, it is a 10 mile run. I schedule a massage every month and really working on getting more sleep. Below are some ways you can incorporate self-care into your day.

  • Wake up 15 mins earlier each day and enjoy some quiet time. Journal about how you want your day to go or meditate.
  • Take a walk outside. Just 10 mins of being outside can lift our mood and energize us for the rest of the day.
  • Take a bath. I recommend using some epsom salt with lavender.
  • Read a good book. Take 15 mins and read a chapter or two.
  • Treat yourself to a massage or a mani/pedi.
  • Exercise and make sure it is something you enjoy.
  • Find a hobby and carve out some time each week to dedicate to the hobby.
  • Limit social media. Much of social media is a highlight reel of our lives. Studies have shown it can cause others to feel bad about themselves and have negative thoughts.
  • Sleep! This is one I struggle with, yet it is so important. I have been trying to up my bedtime by 10-15 mins. Some nights are easier than others.

I hope these suggestions help. When we take time to refill our cups, everyone in our lives benefit from it.