It is hard to believe it is September. Summer flew by, but then again, March seems like it was 20 years ago. This has been the longest year, yet I have not accomplished as much as possible during this extraordinary time. It has been a strange time. I have often felt we are living a bad dream, and I keep hoping to wake up from it. I will go out on a limb and say, at times, I was downright depressed. I spent too much time watching Netflix, playing on my phone, or anything else BUT focusing on my goals.
This summer, I set small goals because that is who I am. I am a goal setter, type A personality that needs to have something to focus on at all times. I did not want big, audacious goals. I wanted goals that I knew I could reach and still feel productive. In June, I shared my goals (see below), and now it is time to see how I did and reset for the last four months of the year.
Continue to grow my social media accounts, new course work 2-3 times a week, including SEO content and eight new blog posts.- My social media accounts grew by 1%. I completed eight blog posts but did not touch my course work. The course work is #1 priority for the fall.
Implement a new weekday schedule. I am going to start time blocking. Time blocking is a type of time management that has you divide your day into blocks of time. Each block is dedicated to accomplishing a specific task.–I did this initially, but work was super crazy this summer, and it let it bleed into other things. I started blocking my time again this week, and so far, so good.
Overall, I did okay. As I mentioned, I kept it relatively simple. With all the chaos around us, I could not concentrate enough on the bigger things. However, six months later, it is clear life is not going back to normal anytime soon. I need to see past it and use this extra time at home to my advantage. I need to stop wasting time and focus on what I want. There are things I am not happy with, like my weight gain, and now is the time to make a plan and stick with it. When I started this blog last year, I knew I wanted it to be much more than a hobby. It was to become a second stream of income, a side hustle. Now is the time to start acting like it and put the work in.
It may seem like a bit much for the next four months, but if I manage my time well and put in the work, I can do great things, and so can you! Dust off those planners and get to work. Don’t remember 2020 as the year we would like to erase from our minds, but as the year you put the foot on the gas and went after your goals. I can’t wait to hear how you did!
I love what this picture says. March is chapter 3 out of 12. In looking back over the 1st two chapters, are you happy with what you have accomplished? Have there been goals that you have met with smashing success or ones that have fallen by the wayside? For me, both have occurred. January was a wildly successful month. February, at first glance, look a bit dismal, but after a deeper dive, I achieved other things not on my list, so all was not lost. However, March is here, and I have lots I need to accomplish. First, let’s see how February played out.
Three out of eight goals accomplished. On the face of it, it was a terrible month, but then I looked through my notebook full of 2020 goals and saw progress in other areas.
So, what will March look like? A big focus will be my blog. I have been blogging for a year now. I have learned a lot in the past year, but there is still plenty to learn and do. Here are my goals for March.
There are so many more things I want to put on the list, but I don’t want to get ahead of myself. We are not traveling this month, so more time can be spent working toward my goals. Plus, I have a few family adventures I want to try.
What about you? What is on your list for March?