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2020-Oh My, What a Year!

There is just a week left to 2020. A year that had so much promise but left a lot to be desired. I remember writing out my goals for the year, thinking about my son’s high school graduation, vacations, family celebrations, college acceptances, road races, and more. Three months in, that all went up in smoke. What started as “two weeks home to flatten the curve” is still going on, nine months later.

The story of 2020.

It has been challenging. Life as we know it changed. Life became scary for the time being. We knew nothing about the virus. People were and are again dying at an alarming rate. Schools shut down. Life’s celebrations were put on hold. Travel stopped. Masks became the “norm.” Our nation has become more divided, and honestly, my faith in my fellow Americans has been lost a bit.

Before I go on, I would like to say this post is NOT to minimize the hardships others have faced this year. My heart goes out to those suffering from this illness, who had lost a loved one and have suffered financially this year. I pray 2021 brings peace to all.

However, as I sit here and reflect on 2020, it wasn’t all bad for me. Through the tears and frustrations, there have been positives to come out of 2020.

Look for the positive.

2020 Positive Moments

First and foremost, my family is HEALTHY! This includes our extended family and the four of us. That has and will continue to be our priority. My Dad is immunocompromised, and we all work hard to make sure he stays safe.

My Dad hit his 10 year cancer free anniversary!

Bill and I are gainfully employed and have continued to work through the pandemic. We are also in a position where we could give a bit more to those in need, and we have this year.

I had a birthday parade at age 48. LOL! Yes, this was a highlight of my year. My crazy family came by with balloons, a sign, my Dad on his golf cart, and a special visitor.

Our son graduated high school in May. It was not the graduation I envisioned, but it was perfect. The school went out of its way to make it special for the seniors. He loved it because there were no boring speeches for him to sit through. We were also able to celebrate with those in our bubble.

Spending more time as a family has had its ups and downs. As a busy family, we are not used to being together 24/7 on the weekends. I am happy to report, we did not kill each other!

We took a vacation with our extended family, something we typically do not do. It was a great couple of weeks.

We spent more time outside hiking and exploring our own state. Who knew Massachusetts had so many state parks and wildlife refuges.

Though extremely disappointed that our son cannot spend his freshman year of college on campus, I am enjoying the extra time with him. The first 19 years of his life have gone so fast. I blinked, and he is all grown up. However, I have him home for another 9 months, and that makes this mama happy.

Our youngest has continued with karate despite the pandemic and one step closer to becoming a black belt.

I need all the help I can get in the kitchen!

2020 Discoveries

I have discovered the ease of grocery delivery. I may never grocery shop in person again.

I discovered I missed working in an office. I miss my people. However, I have finally adjusted to working from home and believe I have finally nailed down time management when it comes to work, getting things done, and stopping when it is time to stop.

I hate cooking, but it has been tolerable with meals from meal delivery kits like Hello Fresh and Gobble.

Netflix, HBO Max, Hulu, Disney + and more. LOL!

I still take as many photos regardless of what is happening in the world!

2020 Pluses

I had more time to scrapbook.

I read 50 books.

I found some great self-care and personal development podcasts.

I learned Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Ringtone.

My social media for my blog has grown.

I have made some great new friends.

Oh, and the biggest plus of 2020, I never ran out of toilet paper!!!

Now, what about you? What positives have come out of 2020 for you and your family? Remember, no matter what is going on in our lives, there is always something to be thankful for.

New Year, New Goals

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Happy 2020! Wow, doesn’t it seem strange to be saying that? I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday season and ready for another spin around the sun. Ringing in a new year has me reflecting on 2019, the highs and lows. It also has me excited for 2020. As I review my 2019 goals, I am happy to report that I was able to mark many of them as accomplished, but there is always room for improvement. This is how I look at a new year, a time to level up, keep improving one’s self by doing and accomplishing the things that make me happy.

As I wrote about here, I do not make resolutions for the new year, but select goals for the year. I also create an action plan for each goal and write out how I will execute it on a monthly basis. Each week, I pick certain activities to do to bring me one step closer to accomplishing that goal. I write all this down in a notebook that I carry with me. It keeps me on track and laser-focused on what it is I need to do. 

Another tool I use to assist me in accomplishing my goals is accountability. By sharing my goals, putting it out there in the universe, I am holding myself accountable. This year, I have decided to do this two ways. First, each month I will be posting my goals for the month, and at the end of the month, I will report back, right here on my blog. Second, I have opened up a private Facebook page called Goal Climbers 2020. This is a group of goal-oriented people who are looking for accountability and support as they crush their 2020 goals. I will provide resources and tips on how we can make 2020 our year to shine. If interested, leave me a comment or reach out to me on Facebook. I will add you to the group.

Now, for my 2020 goals. I break my goals down into four categories, Personal, Financial, Professional, and Household. Within those categories are sub-categories. Under the sub-categories are the goals I want to achieve and how I will go about making them happen. Below are some examples, so you get a visual of what I am doing. I will not list them all here, but if you would like to see my full list, I will be sharing it in the Facebook group.


  • Health
    • Make a dermatology appt.
    • Get 7 hours of sleep a night.
    • Run/Walk 2020 miles.
    • PR at a 1/2 marathon.
    • Sign up for my second marathon.
  • Personal Growth
    • Listen to one personal development podcast a day.
  • Family
    • Date night once a month.
    • Try something new each quarter.
    • Make the most of Robbie being home before leaving for college.
  • Travel and Recreation
    • Explore my own backyard.
    • Weekend away with Bill.
    • The Canadian Rockies.
    • Mom/Son Disney trip.
    • Read 50 books.
    • Scrapbook once a week.


  • Pay off lingering debt.
  • Pay cash for the 1st year of college. ( HUGE ONE!!!)
  • Less frivolous spending.
  • Save, save save. Earmark money each week to be automatically deposited in savings account.


Here I break down each room and list what if anything needs to be improved. For instance, we need new family furniture. Our upstairs bathroom needs reorganization, things like that.


Most of this will have to do with this blog. These goals include growing my social media presence, landing sponsorships, and connecting with other bloggers around the globe. Of course, I have goals for my day job, but in the interest of keeping those separate, I will keep those to myself.

My goals are listed in my notebook. I breakdown the goals by quarter, month, and week. This way, I am always working on something, but not becoming overwhelmed by it all. For January, I have decided to concentrate on the following:

  • Make an appointment with a dermatologist.
  • Start new strength training program.
  • Pick a marathon to run.
  • Purchase family room furniture.
  • Save an extra $900.00.
  • Schedule out scrapbook dates with friends.
  • Organize bathroom.
  • Write 6 new posts.
  • Learn more about SEO.

As you can see, some of these will be quick and simple, and others will be more involved. Each week I will schedule activities that will assist me in the more complex goals (like writing posts, SEO, and strength training). Does this make sense? It may seem like a bit of work, but once you are in the habit of writing these down and planning your month and week, it all starts to flow nicely.

Now, what about you? Are you ready to set goals and crush the year? Let’s do this together.

Goals vs. Resolutions

Here we are, December 2019. Wasn’t it just 2017? It is crazy how fast these years are going by. I remember, as a kid, my parents telling me not to wish my life away. Now all I do is wish life would slow down a bit.

With the new year upon us, I am sure many of you have thought about New Year’s resolutions. However, may I suggest that instead of resolutions, you consider setting goals. Wait, you may be shaking your head and thinking, aren’t these the same thing? Actually, no, they are not. According to the dictionary, a resolution is a firm decision to do or not to do something. It is a statement of what you want to change. A goal involves setting, planning, preparing, and taking action. For example, a pretty common resolution is “I want to lose weight.” To change this from a resolution to a goal, you need an action plan. What do you need to do to reach that goal? How are you going to change your eating habits? What kind of exercise will you do? How many times a week will you exercise. Remember, a goal must be SMART – Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Relevant, and Time-Based. It is why I choose to make goals instead of resolutions. It simply works better for me.

Each year, around the 30th or 31st of December, I break out a new notebook and write down my goals. No goal is too big or too small. I break them down into four categories – Personal -Financial-Household-Recreation. Within those categories, I have subcategories. For instance, under Personal, I have health and fitness, this blog, relationships, and self-care. Recreation is broken down into trips I want to take, places I want to see, scrapbooking, and reading. Household is broken down room by room with what I want to change or fix in that room. Each goal is assigned a due date. I have found this helps me stay on track with my goals.

Furthermore, each month, I write down three big things I want to accomplish for that month and the steps I will take to get there. Every Sunday, I sit down with my planner and write my to-do list for the week. The items on this list will help bring me closer to my goals. At the end of the month, I go back to my notebook and see and track my progress.

I hope by sharing how I set my goals, it helps you in your goal setting. As the new year approaches, I will be sharing more on my goals and my goal-setting process. In the meantime, I would love for you to share your goals and participate in this exercise with me.

May the last 30 days of the decade be amazing!