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235 Days Later- Mom’s Point of View

On October 9, 2019, I wrote a blog post titled 235 Days. In a nutshell, it was about the count down to my oldest son’s graduation day. Today is the 235th day. Today my son ends one journey and embarks on a new one.

1st day of Kindergarten

Two hundred thirty-five days ago, we had a vision of what senior year would be like. First, there were the college visits and eagerly awaiting for the acceptance letters to come in the mail. The new year arrived, and 2020 was full of excitement and promise. Robbie applied and was accepted to all six schools. He narrowed it down to three and was looking forward to the accepted student days at each one. Winter was winding down, and there were two months of school left. There were so many things to look forward to, prom, senior skip day, the final bell, and all the senior events leading up to the big one, graduation.

Little did we know that with 80 days left until graduation, March 12, 2020, would be the last day Robbie would step into the high school. The place he had called home for four years would be no more. Sure, like everyone else, we thought this would blow over. The school was closed for deep cleaning. Surely we would be back to business as usual soon enough. The kids were told this was NOT a vacation. This was not the time to hang with friends. They were to stay home and socially distance themselves. If they did, they would go back to school. Okay, breathe, we got this.

However, our numbers began to climb and to be safe, the superintendent shut down the school until April. E-learning was put into place, and the kids were now learning from home. It was a whole new world for all of us.

It was at this point; I began to get nervous. The accepted student days were canceled and held virtually. College students were being sent home for the remainder of the semester. Massachusetts cases of COVID-19 were climbing at an alarming rate. We were predicted to go through a surge sometime in late April. Late April?? The kids were supposed to go back to school. It was then I started to see my son’s senior year disappear before my eyes. Sure enough, the Governor put a stay at home order in place until May 4th. May 4th??? The seniors finish classes mid-May! It was not looking promising. By April 22nd, 2020, it was a done deal.

Norwood Public School Buildings Closed For the Rest of the 2019-2020 Academic School Year

Per the order of Governor Charlie Baker, all Massachusetts schools will be closed for the rest of the academic school year.  Remote learning will continue in the Norwood Public Schools.  

All that he had and let’s face it, I had been looking forward to, was gone. There would be no prom, senior skip day, elementary school walk, or senior breakfast. They would not hear the final bell in the school that they loved. It was heartbreaking. Though, it turns out it was more heartbreaking for me than him.

No sooner was it announced that senior events canceled, our town kicked it into high gear. First, the wonderful staff at the high school delivered lawn signs. A Facebook page was created called Adopt a Norwood Senior. Families adopted other kids and spent the month delivering gifts to their homes. Their senior photos were featured on a jumbotron and shown for the world to see. Finally, graduation day arrived, and it was better than we could have imagined. We had a police escort to the high school where every teacher lined up to wave and say goodbye. There were decorations all around the school. Each student was announced, received their diploma, and took their photo in front of the “school on the hill.” It was a fantastic day.

Shirt for our seniors.
Yard sign dropped off by the PTO.
Finishing his senior year from home.
Gift from one of the familes that adopted him.
More gifts.
Such cute gifts!
Signs around town.
He did it!!

Though all of these things mentioned above contributed to a beautiful day, what really made it special was my son.

Since day one of this pandemic, he never complained about what he was missing out on. Sure, he would have loved to skip the school work, but he knew it had to be done. He works part-time at a supermarket, and as his mother, I was not thrilled he was spending 20-30 hours a week there. He took his job as an essential worker seriously and went to work each day.

Do you think deciding which college to attend is easy on a good day? How about trying to decide which college to attend during a pandemic, where all accepted student days were virtual. Yet, that did not stop him. He weighed his options, had some good discussions, and made his choice. We could not be happier.

As I sit here thinking about the last couple of months, I am no longer dwelling on what he lost, but what he has reminded me. Life moves on. We need to roll with the punches and make the most of a crappy situation. Do our part to make this a better place. Our country is in turmoil, and these young adults are our future.

Though I may not be quite ready to share him with the world, in a few short months it will be time. Until then, I plan on enjoying every last moment with him.

Robert William Jandrue- Go change the world.

Now is the Time to Get it Done!

If I am honest, March was a cluster! I went in with good intentions and a plan. Ha! That blew up in my face when the schools shut down, my company mandated we work from home, and the only time we could go out was to the grocery store, pharmacy, and to exercise. Then after a mild winter, spring arrived, but Mother Nature thought it would be funny not to play along. The weather has been cold and rainy. April has to be better, right?

Well, not so fast. If you look at the world around us, April is going to be pretty much the same. The schools shut down, and working from home continues through May 3rd. We can still only go to the grocery store and pharmacy. We are doing our part to flatten the curve, and I am okay with that. What I am not okay with is my lack of motivation, and using this as an excuse not to accomplish many of the goals I set out for myself last month and for the remainder of 2020. Today that has all changed. I drew a line in the sand and developed a plan.

Never in my adult life have I spent so much time at home. I think I was in denial at the beginning and kept thinking it would end soon. Instead of wallowing in my sadness over missed trips and races, I am going to concentrate on my 2020 goals. I am going to use this time to do things I keep putting off or never seem to have the time to do.

This morning I grabbed my coffee, my planner, my work calendar, the school work schedule, and my to-do list and spent over an hour planning my month. However, before I could move forward with new goals, I needed to look back and revisit the ones I set for myself in March.

March Goals

  • Blog
    • 30 mins, three times a week on SEO.- NOPE
    • Write and post eight new blog posts.- I wrote 6, so calling it a win!
    • Grow social media platforms by 10%.- NOPE
    • Finish blog course work.- NOPE
  • Personal
    • Lose 10lbs.- NOPE, but at least I did not gain.
    • Strength train four times a week.- Nope
    • Continue with weeks 11-15 of my training plan for running.-I ran, but not per any plan as my races were canceled.
    • Call a dermatologist!- Not taking appointments due to COVID-19
    • Sit Robbie down to discuss a savings plan for college.- Yes
  • Household
    • Organize kitchen cabinets.- 1/2 way done
    • Try two new recipes.- Yes

Ahhh, I had such high hopes for the month, especially when it came to my blog. Instead of beating myself up, I am looking at this new month as a time to get it done. Besides work, all other activities for me are on hold. Time is there for the taking. I need to make the most of it and not waste a moment.

April’s Goals


  • 30 mins, three times a week on SEO.
  • Write and post 4 new blog posts.
  • Grow social media platforms by 5%.
  • Finish blog course work.


  • Find work-life balance- It can be hard to shut it down when working from home. I am setting my hours, and rarely will I make exceptions. I need to treat it as if I am going to the office every day.


  • Move my body 30 minutes every day. When I am in the office, I reach my 10,000 step count most days, without counting my exercise. Since working from home five days a week, that has not been the case. The result is tight hip flexors, a sore back, and feeling like a slug. Again, I need to treat my day as if I am in the office.
  • Get up, shower, and put something on besides running clothes or yoga pants.
  • Though I maintained my weight, my goal was to lose weight. I am going to give myself grace and aim for 5lbs, rather than 10lbs.
  • My goal race, the one I was training so hard for was canceled. Yes, I had a pity party, but again, this morning, I said no more. I picked a fall race, and that will be my new goal race. My new training plan for that will start late May, but in the meantime, I have a short term training plan I am following for all my runs leading up to then. Plus, I still have summer races that have not been canceled yet.
  • Save all money not being spent on gas and entertainment and put toward our next vacation.


  • Finish organizing the cabinets in the kitchen.
  • Clean the fridge.
  • Start cleaning and purging my scrapbook room, so we can renovate by the end of the year.


🌟 More doggie 🐶 walks.
🌟Try new recipes.
🌟Read more books.
🌟Cherish the additional time I have with my boys being home.

That is it, folks. This is my plan. The time is now. So if you have some things you want to accomplish, take advantage of being “stuck” at home. Now I know some of you may not have that luxury, as you are working on the front lines. I thank you for that and our nation thanks you for that. However, if you do have the time, make the most of it and report back. I would love to hear what it is you have accomplished.

Be well my friends.


Preserving your Travel Memories

Cover page of my 2018 scrapbook.

Remember the days when we had to drop the film off to be developed? We would go on vacation, take hundreds of photos, have them developed, and they went into an album. Today, we take thousands of pictures, and they stay on our phones or cameras. Some of us may upload them to a computer, but then what? Do you print them and add them to an album? Do any of them make it to a frame?

I was 6.5 months pregnant when 9/11 happened. We were vacationing on Martha’s Vineyard with friends. Like all Americans, we were stunned and shocked. I wondered how I could bring this child into this crazy world. It also got me thinking about how I would document his life and the lives of other children we may have over the years. This is how my scrapbooking obsession started. Each child has their own baby scrapbook and from there on I started family albums. What started off as 1-2 books a year, is now at 7-8 books! This is due in large part to all the traveling we do.

Utah 2009

I can’t think of a better way to preserve our travel memories than to scrapbook them. Each layout tells a story. I can look back on any of the 40+ albums and instantly be brought back in time. For example, when pulling pages out of the albums to photograph, I was reminded that Nicholas hated pizza when he was 3. We had gone to an Italian restaurant, and he ordered the pizza. He disliked it so much; he vowed never to eat it again. Well, 11 years later, pizza is his favorite food.

Another great memory, we stumbled upon a Veteran’s park while in Salt Lake. It was a beautiful memorial. Here we met a widow of one of the veterans with her dog. My boys fell in love with the dog, while my husband and I enjoyed speaking with her.

Typically, I run about eight months behind in my scrapbooking. Currently, I am working on summer of 2019. I don’t stress about it because it allows me to relive each moment or vacation when I am scrapbooking it. When I was scrapbooking Alaska, I had such a sense of calm looking at those photos. I can’t wait to scrapbook my Rhine River cruise and relive those moments.

As you can see, I love to scrapbook and have such a great time being creative. I have also taken to making canvases out of my favorite photos and hanging those around the house. It helps the memories last forever.

What about you? How do you preserve your travel memories?

7 Fantastic Things to do in Boston this Spring

This post may contain affiliate links and I may earn compensation when you click on the links at no additional cost to you.

Winter in Boston can seem never-ending. March can be a long month, leaving most Bostonians itching for spring. However, this winter has been relatively mild. It is the second warmest winter on record. With the mild winter and warmer weather on the way (fingers crossed), it got me thinking about all the fun things there are to do in the city this time of year. The city of Boston comes alive starting in March with the St. Patrick’s Day parade, opening day at Fenway Park, the Boston Marathon, and more. Spring is a fantastic time to visit Boston. Hotel rates are decent, except for one week in April, the kids are still in school, and crowds are low. Whether you are a local or a tourist, here are seven fantastic things to do in Boston this Spring.

South Boston’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Everyone is a little Irish on St. Paddy’s Day! Did you know Bostonians were the first to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in North America? Back on March 17, 1737, as a sign of solidarity, new Irish immigrants and Boston’s Irish community joined together to celebrate their homeland and to honor St. Patrick, the Patron Saint of Ireland. In the early 1900s, the parade moved to South Boston, where a sizeable Irish population lived and still resides today. It is also the site of Dorchester Heights. If you recall from American history class, this is where the evacuation of British troops from Boston on March 17, 1776, was made possible and is commemorated. March 17 is not only known as St Patrick’s Day but in the city of Boston, it is Evacuation Day. The parade celebrates Irish heritage and military service. This year’s parade will be held on Sunday, March 15.

The Boston Marathon

Meb Keflezighi- 1st American to win the race since 1982. (2014)-Photo credit Boston Globe

Held the 3rd Monday in April each year, the Boston Marathon is the oldest annual marathon and ranks as one of the best-known road races in the world. After the bombing in 2013, this race became a symbol of the city of Boston. We were all #BostonStrong, and in 2014, the runners took back the finish line. To have an American win the race, was the icing on the cake.

The day of the race happens to fall on Patriot’s Day, a Massachusetts state holiday. Schools are off all week and many companies throughout Boston close for the day. It is a great time to head into the city to watch the race. Runners love and need crowd support. 26.2 miles is a lot of miles, so grab a cowbell, make a sign, pick your spot and give everyone a word of encouragement.

Fenway Park

Fenway Park at night.

If you are a baseball fan, one can not come to this great city without visiting the oldest and most beloved ballpark in America. Pick up tickets to a game and experience first hand why RedSox Nation loves this ballpark and their Sox. Sox not in town while you are here? No fear, take an hour-long tour of the park. Feel the presence of Ted Williams, Yaz, Carlton Fisk, Jim Rice, Pedro Martinez, Jason Varitek, and Big Papi. Sit on top of the famous Green Monster. Tours are available year-round and depart every hour.

Boston Public Garden

Famous Swan Boats

TThe Boston Public Garden was the first botanical garden in America. It contains 80 species of plants and is home to the beautiful swan boats. Since the 1800s, the swan boats have sailed around the park’s lagoon and become a symbol of the city of Boston. Robert Paget invented this style of boat, and four generations later, the Paget family still owns and operates the Swan boats. The boats open for the season on April 18th and will remain open through Labor Day. The cost is $4.00, an adult, $2.50 for children 2-15, and under two are free. It is one of my favorite things to do in the city.

Duckling Day Parade

Make Way for Ducklings-Photo credit Karim Rezk

The Duckling Day parade, held every Mother’s Day, celebrates the classic book “Make Way for Ducklings” by Robert McCloskey. Families gather at the Boston Common, dressed as characters from the famous book. The parade is led by the Harvard Marching Band and ends at the Public Garden by the Make Way for Ducklings statue.

Food Tour

Boston has some fantastic food tours. One year my best friend and I, along with our husbands, took a Historic Pizza and Taverns Tour. It started in the North End, went to Charlestown, and back to the Faneuil Hall area. It was a lot of fun and yummy. There are so many to choose from. You can see the top ten food tours in the city listed here.

Boston Duck Tours

3 out of 4 of us on the Duck Tours last spring.

One of the best sighting seeing tours in Boston is the Duck Tours. It is a fully narrated historic tour of Boston that is seen by both land and sea! Well, the Charles River, but you get the point. These boats are a W.W.II style amphibious landing vehicle that travels on land and water. A conDUCKtor will be narrating your tour as you drive through the streets of the city, hitting many of its famous marks. Kids even get to drive the boat!

Nicholas driving the boat along the Charles River.

It is truly one of best tours out there. I highly encourage you to purchase your tickets ahead of time. You will not want to miss out.

Travel Bucket List Series- The Last Frontier

Welcome to the 2nd edition of my Travel Bucket List Series. In 2017 we went on an Alaskan cruise. We sailed through the Inside Passage and visited Skagway, Juneau, and Ketchikan. We fell in love with Alaska. It was beautiful, and the people were terrific. We knew we wanted to go back, but this time on a land adventure. We hope to make this trip in the next couple of years. Here is what we plan to do and see when we visit The Last Frontier.


Anchorage, Alaska

Our trip will start in the beautiful city of Anchorage. Anchorage has just under 300,000 people and is home to 40% of the state’s population. It borders the Chugach Mountains. The temperature in the summer ranges from 55-78 degrees. My boys are not fans of hot weather, so this another vacation where the weather will be perfect in their minds.

In researching where to stay, I knew I wanted something a bit upscale and with beautiful views. The Hotel Captain Cook looks perfect. It is Anchorage’s only preferred hotel. The Preferred Hotels and Resorts Worldwide is an organization of 62 independently owned luxury hotels across the world. The hotel is home to four restaurants and 12 shops. Take in the views of Cook Inlet and the Chugach Mountains from one of the 546 rooms and suites.

The Hotel Captain Cook is part of Historic Hotels of America, the official travel organization of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. There are only 275 hotels and resorts across the United States that have been awarded this prestigious honor for preserving and maintaining their historic integrity, architect, and ambiance.

As I mentioned, the hotel has four distinct restaurants; however, a friend recommended the 49 State Brewing Company. It was voted Alaska’s best brewery. In addition to serving food, 49 State Brewing Company has two theaters housing a variety of entertainment and a rooftop patio.

Photo Credit- 49 State Brewing Company

As for things to do in Anchorage, our plan is going on a whale watch to see Beluga whales! Belugas are stunning, and I have only seen them in captivity.

Beluga Whale

Second, on my list of to-dos is the Alaska Native Heritage Center to learn about Alaska Native Culture and Traditions. Within the center is 10,000 years of history about the Alaska Indigenous Cultures. There are art exhibits and dance demonstrations. There is also a guided village site tour.

Explore native Alaskan culture.- photo credit Heritage Center
Eklutna Lake – photo credit

Another must-do for us is Ekultna Lake. Fed from the Eklutna Glacier, this is a popular spot for all kinds of outdoor activities. There are trails for hiking, kayak rentals, biking, and more. Take part in easy hikes and more difficult ones for those looking for a challenge. Next to the lake is the Ekultna National Historical Park. Take a guided tour and see an Alaska Native and Russian Orthodox cultural experience. See the old and new St. Nicholas Orthodox Church and the spirit houses of Native people.

Denali here we come, but first Talkeetna.

Downtown Telkeetna

On our way to Denali, we plan to make a pit stop in Talkeetna, known as the gateway to Denali. Friends of ours stopped here for a night and recommended Talkeetna Alaskan Lodge.

Talkeetna Lodge- photo credit -the lodge

The lodge sits above the town on a ridge on the south side of Denali National Park. The lodge consists of the guest lodge, main lodge, mountainside rooms, and suites. Activitiesat the lodge include cooking classes, music nights, and an Aurora Lights winter getaway. Dining options range from casual fare to upscale dining.

Talkeetna has a cute downtown area filled with shops and places to grab a bite to eat. Take a walk down Main Street and see the Talkeetna River. One of the activities we are thinking of is a River Jet Boat Ride. It looks like a lot of fun.

There are nature hikes, sled dog tours, ATV off-road, fishing biking, and more. There is even a little bakery called the Flying Squirrel Bakery-Cafe that I would love to try.

Denali National Park

Photo credit –

The main reason for us wanting to go on a land-based trip to Alaska is to see Denali National Park and the largest mountain in North America, Mt. Denali.

We plan on staying at the Grande Denali Lodge. Located on Sugarloaf Mountain, the lodge offers panoramic views of Denali National Park and Nenana River Canyon. The décor is Alaska Native Heritage and showcases what I imagine when I think of this part of Alaska.

In looking over the list of things to do, it is going to be hard to choose. There is a bus tour of Denali, hiking, ATV rental, Jeep safaris, flightseeing to see Mt. Denali, river rafting, dog mushing, glacier landing, and more! There are the Canyon Run Rapids and Denali River Adventures. Each has a 2 to 6 hour trip down the rivers from Class III to Class IV rapids. For the less adventurous, there are scenic wilderness rafting tours as well.

Another activity of interest is the Denali History Tour, Led by a naturalist; this is a 4-5 hour hop on and off bus tour. Here and see the history and beauty of Denali National Park. Make stops at several historical sites, including Primrose Ridge, to see an Alaska Native Presentation.

Primrose Ridge


After a few days in Denali, we will move on to the last stop of the trip to a little town called Girdwood, Girdwood is a resort town not too far from Anchorage. There is a beautiful hotel called the Hotel Alyeska, and we plan to stay for the remainder of our trip. It is a chateau-style hotel and looks gorgeous.

photo credit- Hotel Alyeska
Lobby -photo credit Hotel Alyeska

Like the other places we plan to visit on the trip, this hotel and area offer plenty to do. We plan on hitting the Byron Glacier Trail, Alyeska Aerial Tram, and Chugach State Park. Happy Trails Kennel is top on our list for an Iditarod experience. We did summer dog sledding in the Yukon a few years back and look forward to this experience once again. Another must on the list is the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center. Here orphaned and injured animals go to be taken care of and, for some, released back into the wild. Finally, no trip to Alaska is complete without panning for gold. We can’t wait to relive the historic gold rush of Alaska and visit a working mine. Who knows, we may strike it rich!

As you can see, there is so much to do and see in this beautiful state. So tell me, what would you want to do and see in the Last Frontier?

Travel Bucket List Series- The Canadian Rockies

Welcome to the 1st edition of the Travel Bucket List Series. Our first stop, the Canadian Rockies. I chose to highlight the Rockies first, as this is our big family trip this year.

We chose the Canadian Rockies for a couple of reasons. First, we fell in love with Canada when we explored Vancouver and the Yukon a couple of years ago. Second, our kids are not fans of extreme heat. The last big trip we did as a family was the Mediterranean in July. Can you say HOT?? We knew we wanted something a tad cooler and a bit closer to home. Lastly, Adventures by Disney offers a trip to the Rockies. We have loved the last two trips we took with ABD, so it made sense to book this trip through them. The Rockies seem like the logical choice.

Calgary and Surrounding Area

Calgary- photo credit Adventures by Disney

Our journey will begin in Calgary. Calgary is located 150 miles north of the US/Canadian border. Located in the province of Alberta, Calgary is the largest city in all of western Canada. For three nights, we will be staying at the Fairmont Palliser.

Fairmont Palliser- photo credit Fairmont

Calgary’s premier hotel, The Fairmont Palliser, is located in the heart of the city. It is within walking distance to the city’s retail shopping, museums, and entertainment venues. It is a historical landmark offering distinctive accommodations in elegant surroundings.

The hotel has 407 newly renovated rooms that include high speed internet and entertainment, such as in-room movies. There are three categories of rooms, as well as suites. Want to be treated like a queen? Stay in the Royal Suite when Queen Elizabeth II stayed while visiting Canada in 1990. The hotel has one restaurant, the Hawthorn Dining Room and Bar. It offers breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a Sunday brunch. Afternoon tea is held on Saturday and Sunday. I have heard it is fantastic and I think we may give it a try.

The hotel has a fully equipped health club and a unique guest service hotline called Royal Service. The Royal Service is a dedicated team on hand to assist with your every need.

We plan to arrive a day early and we will have some free time to explore the city on our own. The two must dos on our list, Heritage Park and the Calgary Zoo.

Heritage Park- photo credit Heritage Park

Heritage Park is a living historical village that spans Western Canadian history from the 1860s to 1950s, and is broken out into four time periods:

  • 1860s Fur Trading Fort and First Nations Encampment
  • 1880s Pre-railway Settlement
  • c.1910 Prairie Railway Town
  • 1930s, ’40s and ’50s Gasoline Alley Museum and Heritage Town Square

There are over 100 exhibits. The exhibits include an aboriginal encampment representing the First Peoples in southern Alberta in the 19th century. There is a working smithy, bakery, hotel, and several shops and restaurants. Horse-drawn wagons are all around. For those that love the rails or transportation of any kind, check out the streetcar from the Calgary Street Railway, or a re-creation the paddle steamer, S.S Moyie. Open year-round is the Gasoline Alley Museum. This museum houses the park’s extensive collection of antique cars and memorabilia.

Another must-do on our list is the Calgary Zoo. We love a good zoo. My kids are animal lover and each city we visit, chances are if there is a zoo, we will see it. The Calgary Zoo voted one of the top attractions in the city is home to 1,000 animals from 100 species. This includes four giant pandas! Adjacent to the zoo is a prehistoric park with amazing replicas of all things dinosaur.

While in Calgary, we will not be limiting ourselves to the city. We are in the wild, wild west, and it would only seem right that we spend the day along The Cowboy Trail. The Cowboy Trail is a scenic route through the Canadian Rockies. Nestled between the Canadian Rocky Mountain foothills and the Canadian Praire, it features horseback trail rides, ranches, western-themed attractions, historical sites, and more. Our first stop will be the Canadian Rocky Mountain Ranch.


The Canadian Rocky Mountain Ranch is a 540-acre ranch home to bison and elk. Here we will tour the ranch and get an up-close and personal visit with these magnificent animals. Next on our list, Saskatoon Farm.

One of the region’s signature food is the Saskatoon Berry. Though it resembles a blueberry, this delicious berry is more closely related to the apple family. After a tour of the farm, we will be treated a delightful lunch and get to try one of the tantalizing desserts made with these berries.

Our final stop of the day will be the Chinook Honey Company. We will learn and taste some honey wine. Afterward, we will have the opportunity to see the inner workings of a honeybee colony.

Dinner will be on our own. Though there will be some suggestions from our guides, I have taken upon myself to research a couple of places. So far Starbelly, Sky 360, CIBO and River Café has caught our attention. I will let you know what we pick after our trip.

Banff & Surrounding Areas

Fairmont Banff Springs- photo credit Fairmont

For the second part of this trip, we head to Banff. We are staying at the Fairmont Banff Springs. Another gorgeous hotel that has been called Canada’s Castle in the Rockies. The hotel is located in the heart of Banff National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Open year-round; it has a championship golf course, winter skiing, and an award-winning spa. The hotel has over 700 guest rooms, including suites with rooms to accommodate everyone’s needs. It is also pet-friendly!

We will spend two full days discovering what Banff has to offer. First, a float trip down the Bow River. Starting in the picturesque town of Canmore, we will float down the Bow River and take in the majestic mountain views. After, we will have some free time to explore the town of Canmore. Canmore consists of just over 13,000 residents. Though small in population, the town is spread out due to wildlife corridors, railway highway, and the Bow River. There are plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy, though I am not entirely sure how much time we have on our own. I prefer to walk the downtown area and get some lunch. The Wood Restaurant and Lounge has an excellent menu that would please all the picky eaters in my family, plus it boasts the best patio in the Rockies.

Image result for wood restaurant and lounge canmore

For our second full day in Banff, we have planned a jammed packed day. First up, a bike ride along the Bow River. Here we will stop and hike to see Bow Falls.

Bow Falls

Next is a gondola ride to the top of Sulphur Mountain. At the top of the mountain is hiking trails, restaurants, cafes and a new Interpretive Center. It offers observations and hands-on experiences for the whole family. There is a rooftop observation deck that looks amazing. It looks down at the town of Banff and six mountain ranges. While up at the top, we will be eating lunch at the Northern Café, taking in these views.

Later that day, we will have dinner on our own in Banff. I am excited to check out this picturesque town.


Lake Louise and the Surrounding Area

The last couple of days we will spend at Lake Louise, Alberta. Again , we will have the pleasure of staying at a Fairmont Hotel. We get to rest our weary heads at the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise. This gorgeous hotel is a luxury mountain resort open all year. It has world-class skiing, snowshoeing, and ice skating in the winter, hiking, fishing, and canoeing in the summer, a kid’s camp, spa, and award-winning dining. There is something here for everyone. I am looking forward to checking out the spa!

For our first day in Lake Louise, we will venture out to the Columbia Icefield, located in Jasper, Alberta. This is the largest icefield in the Rocky Mountains. It feeds eight major glaciers. We will walk on the icefield and drink from the Athabasca Glacier. Also, if we dare, take a walk along with the glass-floored Skywalk at the cliff’s edge. After our tour, we will have lunch at the icefield. (Though we will be warm in cozy in a restaurant). Dinner that night will be at the hotels Laga Italian Kitchen.

Columbia Icefield- photo credit Columbia Icefield
Skywalk- photo credit Columbia Icefield

Our last full day will take us to Moraine Lake.

Moraine Lake

Moraine Lake is at an elevation of 6,183 feet. It is a glacier-fed lake; hence the brilliant blue-green color that it is a result of light refracting off the small particles of rock. Due to the elevation, the lake does not begin to melt until June. The color and water levels are at its peak in late June. Just in time for our visit! While at the lake, we will hike and take in this beautiful scenery. I have heard from friends that have been; the color is just a vibrant in real life as it is in the photos.

Later in the day, we head back to Lake Louise to have a picnic lunch. After lunch, we have various options. We could canoe on the lake, go horseback riding, biking or hiking on your own, hang back at the hotel and take advantage of everything it has to offer or take a hike to Lake Agnes Tea House. We plan on hiking to Lake Agnes Tea House.

Lake Agnes Tea Room- photo credit Fine American Art

The Tea House is on the shores of Lake Agnes, at an altitude of 7,005 ft. The hike is approximately 2 miles long, with an elevation gain of 1,300 ft. It is a family-run tea house that serves homemade sandwiches, hearty soups, baked goods, and more than 100 varieties of tea! Our evening will consist of our farewell dinner and soaking up our beautiful surroundings for one last night.

Stay tuned for the second edition of the Travel Bucket List Series, where I will highlight a U.S destination. Until then, happy travels!

Mediterranean Delights

Today our adventure began in Genoa, Italy. Genoa is the largest and most ancient port in Italy. We docked in Genoa and started the day with a drive through Piazza Caricamento and Old Medieval Port. We saw the 1st bank of Europe and where the traveler’s check was created. We saw where Marco Polo traveled and wrote his book. Finally, we stopped at Christopher Columbus’s house and spoke to the man himself.

Christopher Columbus’s House

After meeting the famous explorer, we continued with a walking tour of Genoa and took some photos in Piazza De Ferrari.

The kids jumping with James, one of adventure guides.
Streets of Genoa
Beautiful artwork
Smile, we are in Italy!

After our walking tour, we boarded a private boat to Portofino. It was a beautiful boat ride with magnificent views.

On our way to Portofino
The Church of San Giorgio
Pesto demonstration
Castello Brown
Focaccia bread- YUM!
view from the castle overlooking Portofino

In Portofino, we toured Castello Brown, where we watched a pesto demonstration and treated to a wonderful, one of a kind lunch in a castle. It wouldn’t be Disney, without a castle, right? The castle was on top of a hill, so we made our way up, taking in the beauty of this magnificent place. On our way up, we saw the Church of San Giorgio, breathtaking views of the sea, and so many pretty flowers. Lunch was terrific, and the focaccia bread was to die for. After lunch, we had a little time to shop and grab some gelato. Here, I began my love affair with gelato! Soon, it was time to catch a boat and head over to Santa Margherita Ligure, located in Genoa’s Tigullio Bay. Here we hopped on a bus and headed back to the ship. All had another great adventure!

6 of Our Favorite Things on a Disney Cruise

Disney’s private island- Castaway Cay

My family loves to cruise. It is a fantastic way to see new places. There are many different cruise lines to choose from, but our family prefers Disney. We have been on eight Disney cruises and setting sail again in February. So what is it about Disney that keeps us coming back for more? If you are a follower of this blog, it is no secret that I love anything, Disney. Their service is second to none, and they know what the customer wants before the customer even knows what they want. It is my happy place. So what is it about a Disney cruise that makes it so special? Here are our top six favorite things on a Disney Cruise.

Disney’s Service

Disney’s service is first class. Every cast member goes above and beyond to make sure you have a fantastic time. From the stateroom host/hostesses to guest services to the servers in the dining rooms, each person makes the magic happen in their own way.

On our first cruise in 2010, we had the most fantastic server, Oliver. He took such great care of us. In 2018, we were once again sailing on the Disney Magic. I heard he was still working on the ship. I called Disney and requested to be seated at one of his tables. Imagine our surprise, not only was he still on the ship, he remembered us! He was excited to see us and could not believe how the boys had grown. Oliver’s service was top-notch, and his assistant server, Miguel, was just as great.

The boys with Oliver and Miguel.


No one does entertainment like Disney, and the entertainment on the cruise is no exception. From award-winning Broadway shows to comedians, live music, game nights, trivia, dance parties, character interactions, dinner shows, and more, there is always something to do and see. I love catching a show before dinner. Two of my all-time favorites are Frozen and Disney’s Believe. We also enjoy the two dinner shows, Rapunzel’s Royal Table and Tiana’s Place.

Character Interactions

By far, character interactions are one of my favorite things, whether on a cruise or at the parks. On the cruise, it is a bit easier; the lines are shorter and tend to move faster. My kids are more apt to stand in line if they know it will be quick.

Pirate Night

Where else can you dress like a pirate, watch a fun pirate show, and watch fireworks on the high seas? The night starts with a Caribbean themed menu. All the servers dress in pirate-themed clothes. Jack Sparrow and Captain Hook make their appearances. Mickey, Minne, and the gang are dressed in their pirate best. At around 10:00 pm, there is show up on deck, ending with fireworks. Did you know Disney Cruise Line is the only cruise line to have fireworks at sea? The night ends with an enormous buffet. It is a great time.

Adult Only Areas

One may think Disney Cruise Line is just for kids, but it is NOT. My husband and I have gone without kids and had a great time. There are plenty of areas where children are not allowed. This would include an adults-only pool, spa, fitness club, bars and clubs, a cafe, and adult-only dining. The adult-only dining is our favorite. Each trip, we make sure to snag a reservation at Palo. Palo serves Italian cuisine in a romantic setting. You can make a reservation for brunch or dinner. We usually go for brunch, though dinner is terrific as well. The food is fantastic. I highly recommend the chicken parmesan.

Image result for adult areas on disney cruise"
Photo Credit-WDW Info
Adult only deck and pool
Image result for adult areas on disney cruise"
Adult only dining
Image result for adult areas on disney cruise"
Photo Credit- Disney Parks
Image result for adult areas on disney cruise Pink"
Photo Credit- DisneyFood Blog
Pink Champagne Bar
Love the drinks at the champagne bar
Image result for vista cafe on disney cruise"
Adult cafe
Photo credit- Touring Plans

Disney’s Private Island

Like most cruise lines, Disney has their little piece of heaven in the Bahamas. Castaway Cay is Disney’s private island. There is a kid’s club, a family beach, and an adult’s only beach. There are cabanas to rent, snorkeling, swimming with stingrays, bike riding, and more. For all you runners, there is 5k upon arrival. There is so much to do here that I feel it needs its own blog post. Be on the lookout for that in the coming weeks. In the meantime, here is a glimpse of this beautiful island.

I could go on and on about the things we love about a Disney Cruise. These are just the highlights. If you are looking for specific information on an itinerary, I have various posts about our Alaskan and Mediterranean cruises here on my blog. Pull up a chair, grab a cup of something and take a look. Happy reading!

They Are Not Ours to Keep

Last week our oldest son, Robbie, turned 18 years old. It hit me hard. 18?!? How did this happen? How did we get here so fast? There were many tears shed as I scrolled through his baby scrapbook and photos I have on Snapfish and Shutterfly. As the saying goes, the days are long, but the years are short.

Motherhood is HARD, both physically and mentally. Nothing wears you down more than a toddler on the run 24/7 or a teenager who argues every single point. There is a reason I love to get up early even on the weekends, for 30 mins or so of quiet while I drink my coffee. I love those boys, but boy, sometimes silence is golden! As a Mom, I have questioned most decisions I have made for these kids. That in and of itself is exhausting!

Growing up, my parents always told me not to wish my life away. As Robbie (and Nicholas) were growing up, I would say the same thing. Though, I think I said it more for myself than them. Subconsciously I thought the more I said it, the more time would slow down. Boy, was I kidding myself.

Growing up these days is much different than when I grew up. Kids are always on the go, and my boys were no exception. Robbie played t-ball, soccer, baseball and then found hockey. Just last night, I was thinking of how many days we spent on the ice each year. For six years, from August to April, hockey was our life. There were early, early mornings and late, late nights on the ice. There were times I was in no mood. I would work all day and have to be at an ice rink, 30 mins away, for a 9:00 pm practice. Though I never wished the days away, because I knew how damn fast they would be over.

When Robbie entered high school, four years seems like an eternity. Yet, those four years have gone by faster than any others. Not only did he turn 18 this week, but he also finished up his college applications. He works a part-time job, he is growing a beard (despite his mother’s protests), he drives himself to and from places, and this weekend he is in NOLA to see a football game with my sister. I don’t see him as much as I would like because when he is home, he is hiding out in his room. However, I suppose this is preparing me for what the future holds. This time next year, I will be anxiously waiting for him to come home for winter break. I can only imagine the emotions I will be feeling then.

From the moment he was placed in my arms, he was mine. He was my baby boy. I would love him, protect him, and show him the world. What I didn’t realize until very recently was that he was not mine to keep. Though I would always love him, he was meant to spread his wings and fly. I recently read a blog post over at It said, “You know the minute you become a mother that someday, you will have to let that baby go. You know that they are not yours to keep, not forever. If you do your job right, you make yourself obsolete. That’s the goal. That is the point”. I don’t necessarily agree with the obsolete part, but I do understand her point. As parents, we give our kids what they need to go out into the world. We hope what we have taught them is enough. I hope they have the tools to make the best decisions for themselves and their future, for they are not ours to keep.

The Adventures by Disney Difference- Is it Worth it?


A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I returned from our second Adventures by Disney trip. We took a cruise down the Rhine River.  We visited four countries and packed a lot in those eight days.  We visited storybook villages, historical sites, world-renowned cities, saw castles, and experienced VIP service throughout the trip.  Last year we sailed on a ten-day Mediterranean Disney cruise and added on an Adventures by Disney package.  Instead of booking our excursions through the cruise line, we booked them through Adventures by Disney.  I will explain what that means later on in this post.

First, for those of you that don’t know, Adventures by Disney (“ABD”) is a guided group travel option offered by the Walt Disney company.  It provides culturally immersive, once-in-a-lifetime experiences in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, South, and North America.  The trips range from 3-4 days (short escapes) up to 12 days long.  There are river cruises on the Rhine, Danube, Seine and Rhone rivers. As mentioned above, you may add an ABD to certain Disney Cruise Line cruises. 

Being a Disney fanatic, I had heard of these trips a few years ago. We had been to Disney World more times than I can count, and we had done several Disney cruises at this point.  However, two things made me shy away from them, the thought of group travel and the price.  I had always loved planning our vacations.  I would spend hours looking for excursions, comparing tour operators, etc.  When it came to going on our first family trip to Europe, I was a little hesitant. I looked at what Disney Cruise Line had to offer for excursions and was a bit surprised at how expensive these excursions were.  As I was weighing my options, a brochure for ABD arrived at my house, offering what they called an “Embedded ABD.”  The add on includes preselected shore excursions, led by two Adventure Guides.  Each embedded ABD is capped at 40 people. The ABD consists of a welcome and farewell reception, activities on the sea days, a case of water, and all photos taken on your excursions and the ship.

Pizza making in Sorrento

The more I read, the more I was starting to see the value in the add on.  I decided to give my travel agent a call and discuss it with him.  After our chat, I booked it.  Unlike the land-based and river cruise trips, the deposit was refundable if we decided we could not swing the cost.  At this point, I had nine months to mull over our decision. During those nine months, I poured over reviews, talked to people who had been on this trip.  By the time our paid in full date arrived, I was ready to commit.  OUCH!  It was the most we had ever paid for a vacation.  Now mind you, we paid off the cruise that day, too, so it seemed extra painful.  LOL. 

As the trip got closer, I started to have buyer’s remorse. Every time I told someone what we were doing, I heard how expensive it was, how I could take the trip for a lot less money, etc.  It was starting to annoy me and feed into my fear that the trip was not going to live up to my expectations. 

Well, can I say… the trip was worth every single penny. We had an amazing time.  The guides were fantastic; the excursions were incredible; we received first-class VIP treatment from the moment we stepped on the ship until we departed.  I was hooked.  The Adventures by Disney experience is second to none, and I did not hesitate to book the Rhine River cruise and our next adventure, the Canadian Rockies with ABD.  So, what makes the difference? 

Cologne, Germany

The Disney Difference

Disney is known for its storytelling. The story is told through the Adventure Guides.  In addition to the two guides, you are joined by local guides that immerse you into the culture. (Side note, with river cruises, you have six guides. ) You experience the culture and traditions of the local people. The Adventure Guides provide the first-class service that Disney is known for, and all of your needs are met beyond expectations.  The guides do more than take you from place to place. They provide more information you could ever dream of about each destination.  They make sure you are hydrated, feed, know where the good bathrooms are (KEY!!), and the best local places to shop and eat outside of tourists traps.  They are photographers and great entertainment for all.  You get to know your guides, and it makes the trip a more intimate experience.

Our amazing guides on the Rhine River Cruise
James and Dusty our guides on the Mediterranean

Not only do you get to know your guides, but the other families traveling with you — most groups top off at 40 people, except for river cruising.  I believe 130-140 is the cut-off.  You spend a lot of time with these people, and we have made friends along the way.

Our new friends!

Are you traveling with children? ABD makes sure to build in what they call Junior Adventure activities for kids.  For example, when we were at the Colosseum in Rome, one of the guides took all the kids and did a tour separate from the adults.  They learned all about this amazing piece of history, all the while acting as gladiators.

Another difference between ABD trips and other group travel is what Disney calls the Insider Access.  The Insider Access includes things like an after-hours tour of the Vatican, with a private viewing inside the Sistine Chapel. How about a backstage pass to Good Morning America? Or perhaps an exclusive dinner at Edinburgh castle is more your thing.  These are once in a lifetime experiences, and Disney makes it happen.

Have I mentioned how easy ABD makes traveling?  Need help making airfare reservations?  ABD can help.   Want to arrive a couple of days early or perhaps extend your trip by a few days?  ABD can arrange this as well. Once your adventure begins, there is no waiting in line to check into your hotels, and there is no carrying your luggage.  Everything is taken care of for you.  Sign me up!

Lastly, we chose ABD for Disney’s track record when it comes to safety.  Safety is their number one priority, and I have the utmost confidence that ABD will always keep our safety in mind when traveling to these various destinations. 

All of this is the Disney difference, and this is why we choose to explore the world with Adventures by Disney.

If you would like to read more about our trips with Adventures By Disney check out these posts.

Flavors of France

A Fairytale Village

Mediterranean Delights


Via Napoli

Rudensheim am Rhein

Painting on a canal cruise through the city of Amsterdam